Jake's Confession

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As the days went by at Camp Cavanaugh, I watched with growing frustration and anger as Leo, Matthew, and Liam became more and more entwined in Igor's life. They were older than Igor, and yet they seemed to have no trouble communicating with him, while I struggled to understand even a fraction of what he said in his broken English.

But what hurt the most was seeing Leo with Igor. He had become the center of Igor's world, and it felt like I was being pushed aside, replaced by someone who had only just arrived at camp. It didn't make any sense to me. Igor and I had been best friends for weeks, and now he was acting like Leo was his new best friend.

I tried to hide my jealousy, to pretend like I was okay with it all, but deep down, I was losing my mind. Every time I saw Leo's hands on Igor's shoulders, I felt a surge of anger and hurt. That used to be my gesture, my way of keeping Igor safe and happy. And now Leo was using it, as if he had taken over my role in Igor's life.

One day, as we all sat around the campfire, I couldn't take it anymore. Leo had his arm around Igor, pulling him close, and it felt like a knife to my heart. I needed to talk to Igor, to make him understand how I was feeling.

I walked over to where they were sitting, trying to keep my emotions in check. "Igor, can we talk for a minute?" I asked, my voice steady, despite the turmoil inside me.

Igor looked up at me with those innocent eyes of his, and I could see the confusion in them. "Yes, Jake. What is it?" he replied in his broken English.

But before I could say anything, Leo spoke up. "Sorry, man, we're kind of busy here. Maybe later," he said with a smirk.

I felt a surge of anger rise within me, but I tried to stay calm. "Igor, I really need to talk to you," I insisted, my jealousy seeping into my words.

Igor looked torn, caught between his two friends. He gently squeezed Leo's hand, as if asking for his understanding. "Leo, maybe I can talk to Jake for a moment," he said, trying to mediate.

Leo rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed. "Fine, whatever," he muttered, pulling his hand away from Igor.

Once we were alone, I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Igor, I can't stand seeing you with him all the time," I admitted, my voice filled with frustration.

Igor looked at me with confusion, trying to understand. "He... he is friend. Leo is nice," he replied, his broken English revealing his innocence.

But I couldn't hold back my emotions any longer. "But he's not me, Igor. He's not your best friend. It used to be just you and me, remember?" I said, feeling the weight of my jealousy and hurt.

Igor looked down, seemingly lost for words. "I still friends with Jake. But Leo new friend. It's okay," he said, trying to ease my concerns.

But I couldn't accept that. I didn't want to share Igor's friendship with anyone else. "No, it's not okay. I want to be the only one you care about. I want to be special to you," I confessed, my voice trembling with emotion.

Igor looked hurt by my words, not fully understanding the depth of my feelings. "I care about Jake. I care about Leo too. Why not both?" he asked, his broken English revealing his genuine confusion.

I felt a pang of guilt at the hurt in his eyes, but I couldn't suppress my jealousy. "Because it's not the same, Igor. I want to be your best friend, the one you rely on and trust above all others," I said, my heart aching with longing.

Igor reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder, a gesture of comfort and reassurance. "I still trust Jake. I still rely on Jake," he said softly, trying to make me understand.

But I couldn't see past my own jealousy and insecurity. "It's not enough, Igor. I want to be more than just a friend to you," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper.

Igor looked at me, his eyes filled with confusion. "More than a friend? I... I don't understand," he said, his broken English revealing his innocence.

But I couldn't find the words to explain. I couldn't tell him how I felt, how I had fallen for him, and how seeing him with Leo was tearing me apart inside.

In that moment, Leo stepped forward, wrapping his arm around Igor possessively. He gave me a smug smile, as if taunting me with his victory.

"Come on, Igor. Let's go to the lake," Leo said, guiding Igor away from me, his arm wrapped tightly around Igor's shoulder.

Igor glanced back at me, his eyes filled with confusion and sadness. "I... I'm sorry, Jake," he said softly, before following Leo's lead.

And with that, I was left standing alone by the campfire, my heart shattered into pieces. I had let my jealousy and insecurity drive Igor away, and now I had lost him forever.

As Leo led Igor away, I felt a sense of emptiness wash over me. I had lost the one true friendship that had meant the world to me, all because I couldn't control my jealousy and possessiveness.

In that moment, I realized the gravity of my actions, but it was too late. The damage was done, and I had lost Igor forever. And as Leo and Igor disappeared from view, I was left alone, my heart heavy with regret and sorrow.

I had let my jealousy destroy the most important friendship in my life, and I would have to live with the consequences of my actions for the rest of my life.

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