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As the summer sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the campsite, Jake and Igor found themselves alone by the shimmering lake. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves overhead, and the distant laughter of other campers faded into the background, leaving them in their own little world.

Igor's bright blonde hair shimmered like a halo in the fading light, and his eyes sparkled with curiosity as he turned to Jake, his high-pitched voice tinged with a soft Russian accent. "Jake, what this?" he asked, pointing at the fishing rod that lay on the ground.

Jake smiled, his heart swelling with affection for the young boy before him. "That's a fishing rod, Igor," he replied, glad to be the one to answer his innocent questions. "You use it to catch fish in the lake."

Igor's eyes lit up with excitement, and he grabbed Jake's arm, pulling him towards the fishing rod. "Come, come, we fish!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm contagious.

Jake chuckled as he followed Igor's lead, feeling a sense of joy he had never experienced before. It felt amazing to be the center of someone's world, to have Igor's undivided attention and admiration.

As they sat by the water's edge, Igor's small hand firmly grasped Jake's shoulder, almost as if he was holding on tightly to a newfound friend. Jake felt a rush of warmth at the touch, and he couldn't help but bask in the affection Igor was showering him with.

"Jake, why you so tall?" Igor asked, tilting his head to look up at Jake.

Jake laughed, feeling a surge of pride. "I guess I just grew tall, Igor," he replied, ruffling the young boy's hair affectionately. "And you're not so short yourself; you're just the perfect size."

Igor beamed, his eyes shining with happiness at Jake's words. He seemed to hang on every word Jake said, as if each answer was a precious gift he treasured.

They spent the evening fishing together, their laughter mingling with the gentle lapping of the water against the shore. Igor continued to ask questions about the world around him, and Jake gladly answered, feeling a sense of purpose in being the one to guide Igor through new experiences.

As the sky darkened and the stars began to twinkle overhead, they eventually packed up their fishing gear and sat side by side on a blanket, gazing up at the night sky.

"Jake, what that?" Igor pointed at a particularly bright star.

"That's a star, Igor," Jake explained. "People make wishes on them."

Igor's eyes widened in wonder, and he turned to Jake with a wide smile. "I wish for friends," he said, and Jake's heart melted at the innocence and sincerity in his words.

"You've got me, Igor," Jake replied, placing a hand on Igor's shoulder. "I'll always be your friend."

And in that moment, as they sat beneath the vast expanse of the night sky, Jake knew that he would cherish this friendship forever. Igor had become his world, and he couldn't imagine anything better than being the one to make Igor smile and laugh, to be the one he turned to with his questions and curiosities.

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