so i tuck you in, turn on your favourite nightlight

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IT HAD BEEN a couple of days since the conversation between wilbur, tommy and quackity and since then wilbur had gone no contact mode.

nobody was able to get ahold of him, their calls going straight to voicemail and their texts remaining undelivered .

it had gotten to the point where some people were genuinely considering going to his house and checking up on him, which tommy was actually doing.

tommy was currently on a train to brighton, the place where wilbur lives, already having his address due to sending him a package a couple months back.

wilbur wasn't expecting any visitors that day, and he knew it wasn't his mum coming to pick up arabella cause she had only just gotten here. so he was undoubtedly confused when a knock sounded at the door.

"stay here 'bella." he muttered walking over to his front door and opening it, jaw dropping and eyes widening in surprise as he realised it was none other than tommyinnit himself.

"tommyyy— hi! what are you doing here?" he nervously laughed. "you went completely MIA on us wil, someone had to check if you were okay. can i come in?" the blonde asked, seeming exhausted.

"i don't— i don't think that's a good idea—" he said just as tiny little footsteps could be heard. "who's at the door?" a little girl's voice asked as tommy looked straight at wilbur with his eyebrows furrowed.

"arabella, can you go wait in the living room please? i'll be there in a second." wilbur said, not taking his eyes off of tommy, who's eyes widened at the name wilbur had said.

"okay, sorry" the girl said, now sounding upset. "it's okay ara, i'm not upset, just need to talk to someone" he reassuraed, which obviously worked as the girl seemingly perked up and ran to a different room.

"i'll ask again wilbur, who the hell is arabella?" tommy questioned, a lot more sternly than last time, whereas wilbur just sighed. "come in, tommy." he said leading the blonde towards the living room where a little girl with brunette hair was waiting.

"is she your fuckin' daughter or something?" tommy spat out confused. "what? oh god no, tommy she's my sister!" wilbur said exasperatedly.

"sister? you have a sister?" tommy questioned. "please don't tell anyone, im begging you, all i want is for her to be safe." the oldest said pleadingly.

a small hand tugged at wilbur's shirt and he looked down, softening his features so he didn't look so upset. "everything okay 'bella?"

"i'm tired, can you tuck me in please?" she said trying to pull wilbur in the direction of her room. "i'll be back in a second, tommy." he said as he followed arabella to her room.

tommy sent a quick text to all of their friends letting them know that he was with wilbur and he was alive and well and that he hadn't walked in to find him dead on the floor, as he waited for wil to return.

"so, uh— i assume you're confused" wilbur said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "yeah, quite confused."

"arabella is my sister, she's almost 10 years old, and she's my favourite person in this world, and i wouldn't forgive myself if something ever happened to her. which is why i don't want anyone to know about her, tommy." he stopped and looked tommy dead in the eyes,

"please promise me you won't tell anyone, not even phil. i really, really don't want anyone to know." he practically begged. "yeah, of course i won't tell anyone." and with that, wilbur let out the breath he'd been holding.

"my mum and dad got divorced when ara was 3, and i've practically been taking care of her since then because my mum has had too much to deal with and she couldn't keep up with looking after a child" he stopped to see if tommy was still listening, which he was.

"she usually ends up staying her, and when she doesn't, i go to my mum's so i'm at least in the same house as her." he got quieter as he continued to speak, "she brings out the best in me. shes my everything, she's my bestfriend." the older confessed.

"i just don't get why you don't want anyone to know, like, i get the fans, but our friends?" tommy questioned. "i mean— what if one of you accidentally lets it slip whilst on stream, and plus there's some of our friends that i just don't really trust."

"okay. i guess that makes sense" tommy replied. "are you scared of the impacts it'd cause if people found out? like the people who don't like you, if they found out arabella was your weak spot, are you scared they'd hurt her?" tommy asked genuinely.

"terrified." wilbur responded. "i genuinely think that's my biggest fear. i can't imagine living a life without bella. she's the reason i hold on."

never grow up • wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now