42 ~ Hard Launch

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January 4th 2025

Lando's POV

"God, I'm so uncomfortable," Daisy moans next to me and I roll my eyes as I grin at her as we're sat on the sofa. We'd debated filming this on the floor but she had quickly vetoed it, saying it was too much hassle and for her I guess it was. "Why do I even need to be here?"

"You're crazy right? You can't think I'm announcing this without you?" I ask her dumbfounded, ignoring the way that Ash is chuckling away behind the camera that is currently set up. "Also you're always uncomfortable, you know that position is no good for you," I remind her as she sits cross legged next to me, aware of the pressure this puts on different parts of her body, especially with the recent developments that are limiting her mobility.

"I guess not... but ugh, I feel so sick," she mutters, her hand resting on her stomach as though to emphasise it, gently stroking the bump in front of her and I soften immediately.

"More nausea? I thought you were past this?" I say quietly, as though this is a conversation to keep private although he's well aware of the purpose of this video. I've genuinely never been so excited to announce something so personal. After the mandatory twelve week period to keep it to ourselves, we had been able to share it with family and friends and now after an extra month of grace period and an inability to hide it any longer, we could make it public. Especially after cameras got a photo of Daisy last month, there were suspicions and we couldn't keep it quiet any longer.

"Me too, I guess it makes sense that it doesn't immediately clear up but I thought I'd be doing better by now," she mutters, not pushing my hand away as I rest on the base of her spine, slowly moving it in circles in a desperate attempt to calm whatever it is that is causing this bout of nausea. After a couple of breaths, she has regained some colour and she sits up a little straighter. I'd been rather worried the first time when I saw how gaunt she was, bent over the toilet bowl but slowly, time had brought back her health as we waited for this moment. "So many people have guessed it already though, I don't know why I'm worried?"

"Because it's huge..." I remind her with a grin, bringing her to my side, enjoying the way her head rests on my shoulder, finding her home with me once more. I notice the stray baby blanket that has made it's way onto our little set and reach to quickly chuck it out of frame, not wanting anything to mess up this moment.

"That's what she said," she quips back, her humour returning with her energy levels, although she doesn't move away in the slightest.

"That is what you said," I joke, reminiscing over the moment that she told me this was happening a few months ago, quickly making me the happiest man alive with a few simple words. "Let's get started on this before the nausea comes back," I suggest to Ash who agrees quickly, Max off to the side as he looks at me and Daisy with a smile. It didn't make sense for him to be in the video but we all knew that he was going to be a huge part of helping develop what came next, an uncle to the project we had cooked up. Within minutes I can see the red light blinking and I glance at Daisy who just nods reassuringly at me, her hand squeezing mine for a moment before returning her hands protectively to rest on the purpose of this announcement. "Hello all! Welcome back to this video and I have to say it's probably the most exciting video of both mine and Daisy's life! As you all know, we've been very busy over this Christmas break, taking time away from the spotlight to focus on some stuff that's been happening behind the scenes..."

"Right and we're finally in a position to share the information which, still to this day, is blowing my mind," Daisy pipes up when I look at her. The way she's glowing causes me to pause as I look at her, distracted from a moment by the woman who made this all come true by leaving herself open to a challenge and opportunity. It felt inevitable since we reconnected and now we were able to share it with others, I couldn't really believe it.

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