80 ~ Convincing Her

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* Smut warning - it's basically the whole chapter *

Lando's POV

"I'm not convinced."

I groan as I think back to my previous promise in the evening, my head falling backwards as I look up to the sky and reconsider it with a groan. Her giggle is the only thing that brings me back as I hear a boot fall over and look inside the chalet entrance and see her leg lifted onto the bench as she bends over to take her second boot off. I knew that she knew exactly what she was doing as her lips pulled up into what can only be termed a seductive smirk as her eyes ran up and down my body.

"And you can't tell me that I don't want to play games with you right now because I really, really do," she says her voice low as she slowly unzips the boot before pulling her leg out slowly, my eyes tracking over her legs before I can actually consider her words. 

I'm still standing in the open doorway, hypnotised by the sight on top of her teasing, muttering a few expletives under my breath as I finally follow her through the door and turn around to close it behind me and make sure it is locked. By the time I do and turn back around I find Daisy gone... just her boots abandoned on the wooden floor in front of me, one fallen over as I suddenly feel nervous and scan the hallway before I follow suit and slip my shoes off next to hers, picking up the fallen-over boot so it's straight once more before I continue through the hallway, looking around for the redhead but I'm unable to find her.

What I do see is her jacket discarded on the sofa and I pick it up, hanging it on the coat hooks as I remove my jacket as well and hang it next to hers. I'm still looking for her all the while when I see her bag that had just been in her hand hanging on the bannister at the bottom of the stairs. I swallow nervously as I realise what is ahead and I follow the trail she's left behind as I walk up the stairs, aware that I'm likely headed towards a very conflicting situation but unable to help myself.

When I reach the top of the stairs I realise that's more of an understatement than I had initially realised, her blue skirt discarded and crumpled at the top of them. It didn't help that I was still hard from the memory of her pressed up against the door just before now. I pause, looking and scrutinising the fabric while adjusting myself but despite these attempts, I can feel my heart rate rising. I pick it up, folding it gently as I continue towards the door of her room smirking to myself when I see the waistcoat top hanging on the door handle for the room. It made me confident that I at least knew what game she was playing now. I breathed an easy sigh of relief that this wasn't in my head. Competing with Daisy... now that I could do, especially when I knew I was right but just because I wasn't going to fuck her, didn't mean I would be leaving her alone tonight.

I would never be doing that again. 

I slip the top off the door handle and fold it on top of the door before knocking on the door.


It's such fake innocence in her voice that I let out a snort of laughter from the other side of the door, slowly turning the handle of the door and pushing it open, ready to come out with something sassy to let her know that her little games aren't working, only to become completely dumbstruck when I see her sat on the bed in front of me when I first walk in. Her wavy hair is falling down off her shoulders and she's sat on the edge of the bed, one leg crossing over the other delicately as she smiles at me, looking like an angel. She's leaning back on her hands, the baby blue bra and underwear she was wearing were quite literally the most drop-dead gorgeous outfit I've ever seen her in. By some miracle I find my words again as I lean in the doorway, dropping her abandoned clothes on the chair next to it with a smirk as her eyes light up at the challenge.

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