46 ~ Car Crash

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Lando's POV

I'm talking to one of my engineers, Drew, when I noticed that something was off. Daisy and Max seemed very tense on the balcony and when her eyes locked with mine as she was speaking I know that they're having some sort of deep chat outside, alone. I can tell from her eyes which even from here seem quite sad. I can't make out the words but it's a serious conversation. I can read them both so easily which is why I can instantly see the switch in Daisy when her head snaps back towards Max and she looks dumbfounded. I push back on my instinct to go outside right now because they can handle it. They're both adults and as well as they each know me, that's also how well they know each other.

I can't find it in myself to look away though, sparing a worried look to Elena when I see Max jump out of his seat and pace. One of the many things I love about her is that I can see her similarly fight an instinct to go out there to help. After a couple of minutes where they've exchanged turns of wildly throwing their arms around, now clearly mid argument for those curious at the party to see, I decide it's time for me to step in. I slide the door open, able to tell that it's Daisy talking but they're both silent as Max seems to be filled with shock and a little horror while Daisy evades my outstretched hand and plea for her to wait a second and let me catch up with the situation that is happening.

"Don't," is the only warning I get as she walks past me and my mind refocuses on the other party as I look at Max in utter confusion. The party was fun and yeah she'd had a lot to drink but she wasn't an irritable drunk, she was usually happy - same goes for Max.

"What happened?" I ask him and he shrugs, eyes not meeting mine as he tries to walk past me as she did but he fails when I step in front of him. "Max?" His name is like a plea from my lips and he stutters in his place for a moment before sighing and dropping his head for a moment.

"I just talked about her relationship," he says after a moment, looking at me unsurely and I close my eyes as I pinch my nose as though that would release the annoyance I was feeling. That was a rookie error but when I look behind him and see the beer bottles behind him, I see what might have contributed to the error in judgement.

"Why the fuck would you do that? You know how defensive she gets?" I ask him dumbfounded and he shrugs as he continues to not meet my eyes, shoving his hands in his pockets. I sigh as I try to inspect him a little closer and suddenly it hits me from the bags under his eyes. "You and P?" I ask him and as the tear drops from his eyes all my anger fades and I swallow him up in a hug. "It'll be alright man," I promise him before I hear Elena call my name. "Yeah?" I ask, turning my head a little to look at her.

"She's leaving," my girlfriend says simply, anxiety in her voice and immediately Max and I drop the hug as we look at the brunette in the doorway.

"What?" Max says and he looks at me nervously.

"She's packing her things right now," Elena explains when we approach her to go into the party and I immediately push through the crowd of people in my home, suddenly feeling like there were far too many people here. I get to her door and just as I raise my hand to knock, it swings open and I see her.


She looks hurt and upset but most of all she looks scared. She looks so vulnerable that I want to push her back into the room and just hold her there. I want to protect her, to care for her, to push away the dark thoughts that I know will be infiltrating her mind. I want her safe and secure.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Is all I can think to ask her, taking her face in mine to force her stormy grey eyes to meet mine. I see the conflicting emotions in them. Part of her wants to stay rooted but another part is begging to run and unfortunately I know which side will normally win out.

Deals with Daisy // LN4Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon