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Okay.. He just saved the were-tiger from a car crash.
Now what?

"First of all, who goes walking around on a phone call at 12am in the morning!? And second, how come they don't look at the road. Don't tell me you want to get killed or something? Has Dazai really rubbed off you that much?! "

I scolded the were-tiger very harshly. He seemed to be in shock since he hasn't made a peep since I got him out of that potential car crash.

"Remember I'm the only one allowed to kill you alright?! Once those 6 months are over, I will be killing you were-tiger! "

It felt wrong to be yelling at him.
It shouldn't feel wrong.
What is happening to me, and why is it always his fault!

"Akutagawa.. You saved me..? "
The sliver-haired blurted out in a whisper.

"I didn't 'save' you, I was just making sure that no-one would take MY kill"
I answered, coughing into my hand.

"You are aware that crash wouldn't have killed me right? "

My body stilled. He's right. Ats- The were-tiger WOULD have survived that with it's healing abilities..
So yes, why did I rescue him?

"So what? I don't want to fight a broken man. "
Yes! Great answer Akutagawa, I am definitely mentally applauding myself for that.

"Oh. I see.."
Atsushi murmured softly and looked at the ground while fiddling with the strap of his bag.

"Thanks anyway Akutagawa. "
The sliver-haired turned to continue walking to the Agency dorms.
Akutagawa scoffed but warned him after he walked a few steps.

"Don't go get yourself killed, you're mine to kill got it were-tiger? "

Atsushi uttered a 'Whatever' and sped up his walking speed.

Once Atsushi was out of sight, Akutagawa practically exploded inside his mind.
His breathes became sharp and ragged while he was struggling to breathe.

With widen eyes, he took a few steps back and hunched over on the alley wall and just leaned against it.

"What the fuck.. "
He continuously repeated over and over again til it seemed like he was just speaking gibberish.

"What.. The fuck???"

Hiding his face in his hand while the other was keeping him stable on the brick, Akutagawa wobbled on the wall and slid down slightly.

"Wha- what was that.. "

It felt like his face started to burn up.
His leg started to shake uncontrollably, he started sweating.
It was terrible.
Akutagawa was not enjoying being in his so-called 'love era' he quoted Gin once again.

Nope! He had to get home now.
He was not going to deal with such feelings in a alleyway such as this one.
Gin should know how to get rid of this right?

The Raven stumbled slightly, but had managed to get off the wall.
Using Rashomon, Akutagawa lifted himself up onto the roof of the nearest building and kept hopping around Yokohama towards his and Gin's shared apartment. All while aggressively slapping himself in his mind.

☯ ✧٭|

The younger Akutagawa cackled when the older had asked her on how to get rid of his feelings, simply replying with 'You can't Ryūu! Not unless you talk to him about it'

Okay not helpful at all..

Ryūunosuke blinked and sighed, walking towards his room.

"Please talk to him Ryūu! Nothing will happen or go away unless you do! "
Gin added to her pervious sentence.

In the doorway to his room, the older gave a half nod and closed the door.
He sank onto the floor while crossing his arms on his knees.

"Why won't you leave me alone Atsushi.
Please. I don't like this. It doesn't feel right. "
Akutagawa begged to no-one.
He was being pathetic, he was aware.
Love was pathetic, but it cannot be stopped either.

How can he love when he, himself was not considered a human by others. It sounded stupid, like it wasn't real. He wasn't and never was a human.
The Port Mafia's rapid hellhound cannot love another. This was a fact that was surely considered true by others, Ryūunosuke had a name in the Mafia.
A dog like him cannot fall in love with another, it was impossible and that was a 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘵.

☯ ✧٭|

Akutagawa had been locked up in his room for hours already. He first came home at about 1am and it was already 8am in the morning. It wasn't unusual for him but this time Gin knew the reason why, and that's what made her worried and was also the reason she was standing outside his room.

She knew Ryūunosuke had a difficult time understanding his own and other's feelings, she'd witnessed it first hand on multiple occasions.
Not to mention that the very last time she'd seen him eat was yesterday at around 8:30am which was almost 24 hours ago.

The younger knew he was suffering and she did nothing. Love must be handled by itself, it cannot be like a multiplayer game where you can assist the other players. That will only end badly.

She'd made sure to make extra breakfast for her brother, just incase he'd actually eat.
Gin had to leave to go on a mission today, leaving for brother in such a condition wasn't the best idea but there was indeed nothing she could do.

This mission was important for Intel and she had to go.

All the young Akutagawa could do was wish that her brother would be fine and dandy!

"Please, please be okay Ryūunosuke"
Gin begged to her brother's door and leaned her forehead against it.

"I want to help, but you know that you can do this yourself right? I'm sure you'll be fine.
Just be safe okay? "

And with that, Ryūunosuke was left alone once again.
At least for a few hours.

He did hear Gin's little confession. He DID listen.
Was he sure that her statements were true? Absolutely not.
Was he going to try? Nope. But there was one thing that was clear. He was seriously starving.

That smell of pancakes and fig tea was really starting to get to him.


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