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It had been a normal day at the Armed Detective Agency

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It had been a normal day at the Armed Detective Agency.

Well as normal as you can get with people running around with superpowers and creating havoc..

All the detectives were gathered in the meeting room, all the detectives except Rampo and Dazai.
If this meeting was one of importance then shouldn't the two best detectives be present?

Dazai and Rampo both knew there was a very important meeting and decided to both not show at all.

The President was concerned, and so were the rest of the agency about how important this case really was.

Kunikida stood at the end of the table that the rest of the members sat at, a projecter was lowered on the ceiling where the blonde stood. He cleared his throst, putting a clasped hand in front of his mouth and began.

"Everyone. It seems like Yokohama is under threat once again. Our beloved city has seem to become a spot for terrorists and organizations alike. Even so, the government has given us another case again, this time it's another organization posing danger. More specific details will be discussed further. "

The blonde waved around a metal stick, which helped him point at where things where on a map as he continued to inform the rest of the new organization.

The group were called 'The Devil's Eye', not much was known about them except that the organization was originally formed in a large city in Japan, but has already made it's way outwards towards other Asian countries.
The leader, who has been called, 'The one who shalt prevail' is a strong ability user, their name and ability is currently unknown.

'The Devil's Eye' is a ability based group, full of different and foul powers, their objective being currently unknown.

It was quite obvious that Dazai and Rampo would not be participating much with this case. It seems like the rest of the Agency were on their own.
The President cleared his throat, cutting off the rest of Kunikida's planned speech.

"I got this letter from Rampo the other day. A date was written on the front, since today is the day, I'd suppose he'd want us to read it. "

Fukuzawa pulled a closed envelope from his sleeve and placed it on the oak table, sliding it toward the blonde at the other end.
Kunikida grabbed the closed letter and examined it closely. He stared at the date on the front, pushing up his glasses with one hand.
Ripping open the note, he slid out the paper inside and started to read it's components out to the rest of the room.

"To the Detective Agency.

The Devil's eye is trying to capture one of you. They must be taken down effectively, me and Dazai have already made a plan but it must be completed with the most precision.

Don't get taken Atsushi.
Signed Dazai & world's greatest detective. "

Kunikida finished, placing the letter back down on the table.

The room went silent. Everyone's eyes flew towards the one mentioned in the note.
It seemed the world just had it out for me huh.. ?

A few moments later the door to the meeting room bursted open, revealing a familiar brunette detective.

Dazai stood in the doorway with his hands on his hips, and the most smug smile that a ex-Mafia executive could ever have.
"Say.. How about we get started on that plan, so that our dear Atsushi doesn't get taken Ne?"

☯ ✧٭|

Dazai had explained the plan to the rest of the group, every single bit and detail was thought of. It was quite perfect, and very difficult to pull off. Everything had to go exactly to plan otherwise the whole thing would blow up.

The whole first phase of the plan was get get more information about the organization. More info means a better plan can be created, if there's any loopholes in the original.

Atsushi and 'A special someone' (As Dazai said) will infiltrate their base to extract some info, so that Rampo and Dazai can remake their plan, but even better of course.

"Dazai! If the group are trying to get that brat, then why are we placing him right in their base?!" Kunikida yelled, demanding an answer.

"Chill out Kunikida~! No-one else has the skills needed to actually get in their base but little Atsushi! Plus, I'm sure his partner won't let him get taken. "

Yosano spoke up, listing her concerns.
"Alright. Who even is this 'partner' you're talking ’bout you maniac?"

The brunette chuckled, but answered anyway in his usual tone.
"They'll be here tomorrow morning, you'll just have to find out Ne?"

Kunikida groaned at Dazai's half answers for at least the fourth time that minute, massaging his temple.

"If Atsushi's partner is strong enough to make sure he gets out, they must be very powerful and cool! Like Mr Gravity man! "
Kenji clapped his hands once, and pointed out.

Atsushi sighed in his seat, not bothering to join in the conversation.
Kyouka had seemed to notice because she placed her hand on his back, as a way of comforting him.

"The world just has it out for me, huh Kyouka..? "

"That bounty you have sure makes sense."

☯ ✧٭|

I've been dreading this day... Another criminal organization that wants me, either dead or sold whoo!
And the worst part is that I know who I'm going to be partnered up with, Akutagawa.. Again.

I could tell by the way Dazai didn't mention the name of the person going on the mission with me, 'special someone' my ass.

I had only just woken up a half an hour ago, at 5am like every morning. My clothes had already been thrown on and I looked, basic. Like every morning of course.
Kyouka had came by to check up on me, since I think she also knew that I was going on the mission with Akutagawa.
She hated him and I couldn't blame her AT ALL.

On the topic of Akutagawa, can we talk about how he totally saved him from that car crash the other night? Like is he actually starting to like me?
N-not that I really care if he does!


I'm just going to leave to the Agency before I keep talking to myself...

It was just gonna be a info mission right? Nothing difficult..
Just alone on a mission.. With Akutagawa.
The dude who wants to kill me.
Why am I worrying so much?! I've gone on (TOO) many missions with that guy already, it's not like this was the first time.
Like the time we took out Fitzgerald, or when we combined our powers for the first time.

I've been starting to feel like Akutagawa doesn't hate me as much anymore I suppose, or more like he doesn't loath me AS much?

During the time we've had team-up missions, I've gotten to know him better, I'd learnt he has a sister, AND HOW MUCH THE MAFIA ACTUALLY PAYS..!
Seriously I was thinking of joining the Port Mafia at that moment..

Okay enough talking, it's time to just get this mission over with!


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