Chapter 1

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It was just another day at school, you weren't that popular. But hey! At least you're not being bullied

Heading back to your house, you were just listening to your favorite songs when you heard a notification from discord

You looked over and see... It was a message from an old childhood friend of your's!

Akiri: hey (y/n)! i was looking at my friend list and saw your account

Akiri: I'm just here to say hi! :D

(y/n): Akiri!!!

(y/n): OMG it's been so long!

Akiri: yeah it has!

Akiri: oh i just remembered why we stopped hanging out

(y/n): yeah, you never told me tbh

Akiri: yeahhhh, I got busy with stuff...

Akiri: i just got way less busy recently that's why i was looking at my friend list

(y/n): what kind of stuff?

Akiri: oh, just taking over and then rebuilding said empire

You looked at your old friend's last message a few times over before quickly typing

(y/n): AN EMPIRE?!

(y/n): aldshfkjahsdfkljhaskdjhfakjsdf

(y/n): WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?

Akiri: yeahhhh, there's a bit to talk about isn't there? :p


(y/n): lemme get back home then we vc

Akiri: ughhh, do i haaaave tooo?

(y/n): yes

Akiri: yes ma'am

You finally noticed that you were just standing on the sidewalk and texting Akiri so you decided to run back home




"okay, so let me get this clear... YOU and your brother took over an empire that was abandoned by it's previous rulers-"

"uh huh"

"-and you were busy with rebuilding and wars that were happening because you were the new rulers of this empire and only recently have time for yourself since you finally finished dealing with politics and shit... is that all?"

"yup! all checks out!"


"uhhh... y/n?"


"you there??? *whispers* did i overload her brain and crashed her brain or-"


Another beat of silence before you hear Akiri snorts then laug- no WHEEZES while you were still processing what she said

"look it's not THAT complicated-" she tried to say as she stopped herself from laughing further

"NOT COMPLICATED!?" "I just skurtted my way in, claimed the territory, people got mad, we fought, they lost, we offer peace treaty, they don't trust, then we gain their trust and finally we have peace treaty!"

"i- you know what, i'm just gonna stop thinking about it"

"good, cuz i also don't wanna say it all over again. maybe another day, but deffo not today. my bro's the one who's doin more for the empire rn"

"danggg, poor brother of your's. rip for him"

"rip" in the background you could faintly hear someone else said rip but you didn't notice

You started talking about what had been happening with yourself. Going to hypixel and training your parkour, looking forward to the next mcc stream and other small stuff while catching up with Akiri

That was until an idea appeared in Akiri's head

"Oh! oh! y/n! Wanna come visit?"

"visit where?"

"my house! or well, my castle!"

"CASTL- oh wait you're technically like a princess or some shit right?"

"Yep! i'm the princess and my bro's the prince!"

"there's no king?"



"cuz we don't like being called that by people older than us..."

"huh, i guess i wouldn't want to be called a queen by old people at this age either"

You could literally feel Akiri nodding along

"so... when you wanna come over? i gotta get the servants to clean up a room for you and stuff. you can also meet my bro finally"

Thinking back on it, you never did meet any of Akiri's family. The only time you did was when you two were going home from school and that was only a glimpse of his hair 

"I never did meet your family huh?"

"yep, he's the type to not wanna dilly daddle. the exact opposite of me"

"lazy ass"

"so true but you too"

"don't call me out like that!"

Akiri's laughs can be heard from the other side before a series of knocks stop her as she muted her mic


She unmutes then said that she needed to go help her brother and that she wants you to send her when you can come over for the visit

You chuckle before saying okay, ending the call then laying down on your bed

You close your eyes as you think back to your school and when the next holiday's coming

As you think, sleep started to slowly creep in and finally dragged you into a dreamless sleep

-end of chapter 1-

708 words

let's start things slow shall we :)

all of the chapters will be above 1k words besides this one unless written otherwise

A Family Friend | OC x readerWhere stories live. Discover now