Chapter 3

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The two of you finally reached a large double door that, according to Akiri, leads to the dining hall...

who da fuck needs such a big place to eat with their family?! you thought but they ARE royalty so maybe this is normal

You look over to Akiri to see her nod to the butler standing next to the door which results in the butler telling two guards to open the door for the two of you. You sweat dropped at the fact that they needed two people to open the doors to a place they supposedly have dinner at everyday

You step into what you could only describe as a dining hall that looks oddly similar to the one in Hogwarts from Harry Potter with alterations

Instead of a wooden dining table and benches, there is a long dark grey marble table with queen anne chairs with a white color sitting on both sides of the table

The ceiling is adorned with cloth that simulates the background of a starry night sky with shiny glimmering gems that you aren't sure are real gems, considering the cost that amount of gems would be... 

Oh, and there's also three chandelier. One large that hangs right in the middle of the dining hall and two smaller ones that goes on either side of the large chandelier, to better illuminate the dining table's contents, together with small floor chandeliers that are placed up and down the dining hall

After you look around, you finally realize that there was someone else in the dining hall besides you and Akiri

At the farthest end of the dining table, sits a figure that you could only assume to be Akiri's older brother

You couldn't really see what he looks like as he was reading a book

Akiri was already going to sit next to her brother when you finally finished looking at everything in the room. You quickly recover and tried to calmly approach and sit next to Akiri

Akiri sat to the right side of her brother "Heya, bro!"

Her brother, who finally put down the book he was reading, took of his reading glasses and looked at his sister

"You were slightly late, Akiri" his voice rang low, which gave you shivers as you continue approaching the royalties

"Well, I wanted to let Y/n soak in the castle! She really likes what we did to the place! She was even stunned when I showed her where she is gonna be sleeping for the next week!"

You chuckle silently seeing Akiri almost jump up and down with excitement from you being here

"And so, this is y/n?" All eyes turn to you

"Yup!" Akiri said as she looked towards you 

"Come sit here!" she pats the chair to her left as her right is where the "head's" seat is at

You nodded your head in greeting to Akiri's brother and quickly sat down

When you sat down, the same butler who you met at the door rang a bell to signify the start of the dining experience

As you wait for the food to arrive, you took another glance at Akiri's brother

He was wearing a black bishop-sleeved button up shirt with gold accents, it seems that he wasn't preparing to look as formal as can be in this dinner and decided to wore more casual clothing than he could to meet his little sister's friend

His hair was done in a similar way to his sister, braided and resting on his right shoulder which is then decorated with a gold intricate crown that looks almost like a tiara with red gemstones

His hair color was the reverse of Akiri's where her's was white to pink, her brother's was pink to white

He was wearing the same mask that is resting on Akiri's right shoulder right now. You are wondering if the mask is there as some kind of sign

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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