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"Look, Smokerain, I'm Fine!" Swiftdiver said, Smokerain raised their brows. "Sure, if you're so sure, try to stand still for 10 seconds without collapsing." Smokerain mewed.

"I- Uh... Foxdung!" Murmured Swiftdiver, face planting. Smokerain sighed, "Look, Swiftdiver, I know you want to go hunting, but you can't. If you want to go hunting soooo badly, then you'll stay here and let your paws heal!"

"Don't get too angsty, Swiftdiver," Smokerain huffed. "I'm not-!" yelled Swiftdiver "It's just a few days, it's not like you can get up properly anyways. Hey, Lightwhisper! Mind looking after Swiftdiver while I'm out?"

Swiftdiver slightly widened his eyes, and blushed. Smokerain noticed this, and lightly giggled. "Of course!" Purred Lightwhisper, dropping her freshly hunted rainbow trout into the fresh kill pile.

"If he starts to cry about how his paws hurt, please do tell. I'd like to stop his whining once in a while!" Smokerain said, a bit threateningly. Swiftdiver chuckled nervously, Lightwhisper rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright, old tom-cat, get going!"

"I'll let you know I am NOT old, young molly! I'm just... older than some here." Smokerain murmured, deadpanning. Lightwhisper smirked, a bit smugly. "Sure, sure you are, now get going!"

Smokerain huffed in a joking offense before finally taking his leave. Lightwhisper looked at Swiftdiver, amused. "Did you keep on bothering Smokerain so much to the point that he threatened you? That's impressive!"

Swiftdiver looked down, a bit embarrassed. "Look, I just wanted to know when I can get out so I can get back to work! Nobody would have blamed me!" Swiftdiver huffed, Lightwhisper chuckled. "Well, Smokerain definitely would disagree with you!"

"I guess.." Mumbled Swiftdiver, the truth was, when Lightwhisper said that she wanted to hunt with him, that's when he really got his hopes up. That's why all this time, he's been wanting to leave already.

"Do your paws hurt, as of now?" Asked Lightwhisper, Swiftdiver shook his head. "Not right now, I guess." Yawned Swiftdiver.

"Swiftdiver.. Can you tell me the truth?" Asked Lightwhisper, Swiftdiver tilted his head, and his tail flicked. "About what?" Swiftdiver muttered, a bit paranoid about what was happening.

"Umm.. everyone says you like me." Lightwhisper said, her cheeks reddening a bit. Swiftdiver was about to say something, but he couldn't hear anything come out of his own mouth.

Swiftdiver went as red as death berries. "Uhh.. where did you hear that..?" Swiftdiver said, covering his face with his tail.

"Juniperslash." Lightwhisper answered. Swiftdiver lightly hissed, what did Swiftdiver even do to him, for him to expose Swiftdiver?

"Juniperslash.. He's acting a bit weird, almost like he's jealous of you or something.." Lightwhisper said, now her blush being visible.

Swiftdiver's eyes widened, did... did Lightwhisper like him? Either way.. He thought about Badgerhiss, and how she said it only mattered if they truly loved Lightwhisper, so..

"Yes.. Theyre true. I really do like you, Lightwhisper. Ever since we became apprentices, you've always been the perfect she-cat for me."

Lightwhisper was shocked. "I-I... don't know what to say.." Lightwhisper said, hesitating. Swiftdiver started to feel more and more anxious as the silence filled in. He doesn't... what should he say? I'm so stupid! Why did I say that outloud?! What would she say? Great starclan, what was she going to say?

Lightwhisper looked... conflicted. "I-I Well, I-" Suddenly, "Hey! Lightwhisper, you're up for patrol!" A light grey and white tom interrupted, Icepool. Lightwhisper quickly stood up, panicked. "Uh. I-I'll talk to you later, Swiftdiver!" Lightwhisper said quickly, before running outside. Silence filled the den again.

Oh. Oh no. Oh dear Starclan, he was such an idiot! He shoved his face into his arms, his fur was a mess. A black spotted molly entered the den, a bit loudly, Badgerhiss. "Hey, Swiftdiver! Buddy, have you healed yet- and oh... Wh-What happened to you buddy?"

Swiftdiver dug his claws onto his head. "Hey, kit. You... You okay?" Badgerhiss asked as she sat down, next to the mess of what Swiftdiver was now. "I- I don't know, Badgerhiss."

"Well if you wanna talk about it, you can always talk to me, you know?" Swiftdiver looked up at Badgerhiss, who looked at him with sympathy. Swiftdiver grumbled pathetically.

"I don't really want to talk about it right now..." Badgerhiss blinked, then smiled softly. "That's fine. Talk to me when you're ready, okay? You're always welcome to tell me whenever!"

Swiftdiver frowned, then shook his head. "Lightwhisper might hate me, now. Because I decided to confess to her in the worst place possible." He sighed, Badgerhiss felt sympathy for Switdiver.

"Well.. did she say anything?" Meowed Badgerhiss, but Swiftdiver didn't answer. Badgerhiss tilted her head, and took it as a no. "Alright.. So do you think she felt the same way?"

"No! I just went and messed everything up, and.." He said, remembering what Lightwhisper said. "She said.. Juniperslash was jealous of me, I'm not so sure why.." Said Swiftdiver with curiosity.

Badgerhiss immediately leaped onto her front paws. "I'll go find out!" Said Badgerhiss with determination, Swiftdiver widened his eyes. "N-no!" Swiftdiver yelled, but it was too late..

What was Juniperslash jealous of? Why was he jealous? Nothing was adding up, but if Badgerhiss was that determined, she'd be able to get an answer..

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