Chapter 2

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Mini's POV
All of the guys are in the living room getting ready to sleep. After we found out that Jonathan was kidnapped we headed back to Evan's.

I think everyone is asleep but me. I look out the window by his door and see silhouettes of 3 men. I heard them trying to pick the lock and I get scared.

The door opens and the three men run in. One comes over to me and puts a cloth on my mouth. Before I pass out I see two other men taking Lui and Brock. Everything goes black.

Tyler's POV
I wake up because I hear something happening. I look up at the door just in time to see Mini, Lui and Brock being taken. I yell

After my scream it woke the others up and they see what is happening but the guys are gone. They took 4 of our best friends.

Evan's POV

I wake up to a scream from wildcat. I noticed that Mini, Lui and Brock were gone. I heard a car and saw a white van speed away. Those people kidnapped them like they did to Jon.

Delirious POV
Those people took me to a laboratory in the middle of no where. They threw me in a cage and injected me with a purple serum. My head and lower back hurt. I don't know what is going on. I hear the door to the room I am in open and see men walk in. They are also holding people. They literally throw them in their cages and I get a better look at them. I gasp when I notice it's 3 of my best friends. Mini is in the cage right next to me. I see him start to wake up.

"Mini? Are you okay?"

"Mmm, Delirious?"

"Hey Craig"

"Oh thank god you are okay!"

"Haha I'm fine mini. At least I think I am. I think the others are waking up."

"Where are we? Delirious is that you?" Brock asked.

"The one and only"

"But seriously where are we?" Mini asked.

"In a laboratory in the middle of nowhere."

"I hope the others find us" Lui said.
The door opens and a scientist comes in with 3 needles. One is orange, one is brown, and one is white. He injects mini with the orange one, Lui with brown and Brock with white. We wil have to wait and see what happens.

"Guys lets try and get some sleep."

"Alright night everyone." Mini said
We all said night and I closed my eyes and let the the darkness consume me.

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