Chapter 5

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Delirious POV
I wake up and I feel something wrapped around me. I open my eyes and I see an owl. I'm in my raccoon form and I sit up. I look over at all my friends and the are all looking at me but in animal forms. The pig must be wildcat because he is standing by mini. The brown eagle must be Brian because he is standing by Brock. The darker monkey is Marcel. I poke Evan to make home wake up.

"Evan wake up"
I turn into my human for and pick Evan up.

"Guys turn human and let's go. I want to get out of here."

"Alright but how do we turn human?" Wildcat asked.

"You think about being human really hard and then you turn human."

They all do that and turn human. I start heading to the car when Evan suddenly turns human. He is a lot heavier than I though and I find myself falling from his weight. Since I don't want to hurt him I try and make myself fall backwards. I close my eyes and wait to hit the ground. When I did I let out a slight groan. Some how Evan still hasn't waken up.

"Uh guys can I get a little help here."

They see what happened and started laughing. Their loud laughing woke Evan up.

"Hey Evan, how's it going?" I said still being squashed by his heavy body.

"Oh my god Del! I'm sorry I'll get off now."

"Haha no it's fine bro. I was just about to put you in the car so we can go home."

"Wait I feel different. Do I have something on my back?"

"Oh yeah, a pair of owl wings."


"Yeah I know, but we should go before the scientist decide to take us back."

"Alright let's go."

"Guys! Into the car." I yell

I get into the drivers seat and Evan gets into the passenger seat. The guys all fit in the back and I start the car.

"Does anyone know how to get home?"

"I have my phone. I'll pull up directions on how to get home." Marcel said.

He gives me his phone and it starts telling me where to go. Now we are on our long journey home.

A Hybrids LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon