ch 1

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(Age: 15, gender: female, bisexual)

You wake up from your bed. You get ready for school. You were going on a school trip to a summer camp. The other students were doing their own things, as for you, you were just sitting in the back of the bus, playing games on your phone. You love cookie run kingdom. Your favorite characters are Kouign-Amann cookie, prune Juice Cookie, and capsaicin cookie. You are the best at playing games, giving you the nickname 'the gaming master'. But you have some experience with camping and other survival stuff like this. In your backpack, you have scissors, a knife, a small sowing kit, a small med kit, a pocket magnifying glass, a military compass, a flint rode, a lighter, canten, and some food, etc. When it comes to camping and survival, you come prepared. The students on the bus were taking to each other, and you were just sitting alone by yourself as usual, but you didn't mind at all. But something strange and scary was about to happen. a bad storm came came out of nowhere and started to suck up the bus. All the students were screaming in fear.

Student 1: Were going to die!

Student 2: I want to go home!

As usual, you were scared a little, but you stayed calm. You grab your backpack, making sure not to lose it. As the bus was sucked in the storm. You then wake up in a place unfamiliar to you as you rub your head with a groan.

Y/n: "Ow, that's going to hurt..." You then see your hands, but instead of your hands, there were nubs instead. "What the what!?" 'Wait, am I a cookie now?' You got lucky that you had your backpack, you look inside your backpack and grab a pocket mirror and open it to see your reflection. You weren't human anymore. 'Yep, I'm definitely a cookie now. But, how did this happen?' You thought to yourself.

You look at your surroundings, and you try to figure out where you are right now. You put the pocket mirror in your backpack and put your backpack in your back as you stand up.

Y/n: You begin to think. 'OK, first things first, assess the situation. Ok, there was this Strang storm that sucked up the bus, then I ended up here as a cookie, so that means the others are cookies as well. But right now, I have to find a way out of here first.' You thought to yourself. You look around. "Ok, this can't be a dungeon, I don't feel that vibe. So this has to be some sort of labyrinth." You say.

Then, a screen popped up, which startled you a little. You look at it closely, and then you realize what it is.

Y/n: "Wait, is this a skill window?" You touch the screen, and it shows the skills, which you were correct. "I knew it! It is a skill window! Sense it's here, might as well look at my skills." You say. You look at your levels, and it comes to you as a shock. "My already at level 100!? But how!?" You shouted. You were so confused, but you calmed down and started to think. Then you realized why your level was at 100. 'Ohhh, it's because I played games all the time. That's why my level is at 100. That makes sense now." You thought.

You start to walk around this Strang labyrinth, try to find a way out of here. But, you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched. Then, goblins popped out of the shadows.

Y/n: "goblins, are you kidding me!" You shouted. The goblins used their slingshots to hurt you. 1 of the rocks hits your head. "Ow!" You shouted.
You dodge the other rocks and run away. The goblins started to chase you. You grab something from your backpack. It was a slingbow. You grab some stone pebbles on the ground and put 1 in the slingbow. You stop running and shoot the stone pebble at 1 of the goblins. The 1 goblin fell on the ground and changed to a puff of smoke. The 2 goblins saw this and stopped. They looked scared and ran away. "Oh no, you don't!" You shouted. You shoot 2 stone pebbles at the 2 goblins. The 2 goblins become a puff of smoke. You lower your slingbow. "Did... did I just win?" You say. You start to laugh with excitement. "Yes! I can't believe I won! Hahaha!" You shouted.

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