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After helping 1 of your classmates from trouble, you disied to stop and rest in the forest. You look at the shop and think.

Y/n: 'Even tho I max out my levels, I still want to get stronger, so I can protect not just myself, but my classmates as well.' You then noticed that it was getting dark, so you disied to camp here for now. You made a Bushcraft shelter from leaves and sticks, and you dig the ground a little. You then finally finished the Bushcraft shelter, so you go inside the shelter and fall asleep inside the shelter. The next day, you wake up and get out of the shelter and stretch. you then remember that you had that old spear. But the spear started to glow, and it changed. The spear was now fixed, and it had a gem as well. "That's new.." You say. You then felt a drop of water on your head. You look up and see it was about to rain. "Great." You ran as the rain pored down. You found a coliseum of sorts, you go the shade and sit down. Then, you heard a voice. It was Gelato Trio Cookie.

Gelato trio cookie: "Oh, what do we have here?" He says. You look up to see him surprised.

Y/n: "Sorry, I was trying to get out of the rain, and I found this place." You say. He offers a hand to help you up.

Gelato Trio Cookie: "It's fine. But, what academy are you in?" You didn't know. "Well, it's your lucky day! The 3 academys are looking for new students. But first," He looks at you up and down at your clothes. "It seems you are in need of some new clothes." You down at your shirt and pants. They were messy and ripped due to fighting monsters in the labyrinth.

Y/n: "Aw man, and these are the only ones I have to." You forgot to take some clothes. You only brought a sweatshirt and pants, some underwear, and socks in your backpack.

Gelato Trio Cookie: "Not to worry, you can borrow the clothes in lost and found, if you want." You smile at him.

Y/n: "Thanks so much." You follow him to a room with a box that has clothes inside. Gelato trio cookie leaves the room to let you change clothes. You take off your messy and ripped shirt and pants, and you change into your sweatshirt and pants. You take some clothes inside the lost and found box and put it inside your backpack. "Ok, I'm done." You stepped out of the room wearing your sweatshirt and pants.

Gelato Trio Cookie: "I've never seen clothes like this before?" He was curious about the sweatshirt and pants you were wearing. "Now hen, shall we go to the beacon." You look at him confused.

Y/n: "Beacon?" He nods.

Gelato Trio Cookie: "Yes! The Beacon is the huge torch that changes the color of the flame. The color of the flame changes depending upon the cookie, which the said cookie will be placed in the 3 academys. Scovillia, Parfaedia, and the Crème Knights." He explained. You then see a lot of students, and all of the students are excited for someone to join the academy. Will it be scovillia, or parfaedia, or the creme kinghts. You then see your 3 favorite characters, the champions of the academys, capsaicin cookie, prune Juice Cookie, and Kouign-Amann cookie. Your eyes are practical, sparkling with excitement. But you keep your cool and walk up to the beacon.

You were a bit nervous, but you stayed calm and a porch the Beacon. But something strange happened. The Beacon was changing colors. Until the color of the flame was... white. The students and headmasters were surprised by this turn of events.

Gelato Trio Cookie: "What's this!? The flames of the Beacon have changed to white! Could it be. that she has no academy!?" The students and headmasters were speechless. You were so confused at this moment. But then you realized something.

Y/n: 'Ohhh, it's because I All Right go to a school, that makes sense.'

Gelato Trio Cookie: "Well, would we still like her to be a guest?" He said. The students all cheered. "There you all have it! This girl here will be a guest for triple cone Cup!" The students and headmasters were happy. "Now then, go to the banquet hall and enjoy the fest!" The students and headmasters and 3 champions go to the banquet hall. "Young laddie, are you ok?" You look at him.

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