The Hogwarts Express

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" N-Neville  Longbottom." The boy replied stuttering. I examined him carefully, which seamed to intimidate him more then I intended. " Whats, whats your name?" He asked looking down at his dress pants. 

" Freya Skyson."  After I said that we both just sort of sat in a somewhat awkward silence, and I'll tell you that I hate silence. However the longer I sat with him the more sad and unsettled he looked. " Hey?" I asked grabbing Nevilles attention.  " Are you ok? You look a little- sad." He pressed his lips together and looked down. 

" No." He said softly. This made me quite upset. I know I might have just met this boy but believe me I was not about to let someone be sad without reason on my watch.  I promptly stood up and moved over to sit next to him. 

" Ok I may be new to this whole magic thing but as far as I'm aware feelings don't work differently then they do in the muggle world. So, spill the beans." He looked up at me in confusion.  

" Why would I spill beans?" He asked sheepishly. Only now did I seam to realize that he was in-fact not a muggle born like me because every muggle who was not living under a rock knew what 'spill the beans' means. 

" It's  an expression that muggles use to ask someone to tell them something." I explained. The boy then looked a little less confused. He took a quick breath  and began to speak. 

" I lost my toad, Trevor, back at platform nine and three quarters." I then remembered how back home me and Daisy used to catch toads and frogs in the small bog, and that gave me an idea. I stood up in front of him. 

" Well your in luck Neville because I am one of the best toad catchers you may ever meet, and surly Trevor made it on the train. So why don't we look for him?" I extended my hand to him and he grabbed it and I pulled him up.  He gave me a small smile as I walked to door of the compartment. " Well we should start by going compartment to compartment until we find your toad." 

" That sounds like a good plan Freya." He spoke as I walked out of the door. I turned back to him. 

" Aw, thanks Neville." I spoke before walking down the hall with Neville in toe. We would stop at each compartment and ask if they had seen a small yellow and brown toad and they all responded with a plane simple no. So, I decided to fill he empty space between each compartment with some conversation. " So, Neville. Has anyone in your family attended Hogwarts?" Neville seamed to become uneasy at that question. 

" Yeah, they have. " He mumbled. With that response I immediately change the subject. 

" Well what class are you most exited for?" I asked.  Neville looked around the hall until he spoke. 

" Well I suppose that my Nan said that herbology is easy enough, that well even a squib or an almost squib could do it." 

" Herbology is like gardening, right?" I ask as I look over to him. 

" Yeah I guess." 

" Huh, interesting." I responded. Swiftly I opened the next compartment door. When I did I was met with the faces of three boys. Two boys looked very similar. They had blackish brown shaggy hair and they had much larger builds then the third boy. Who on the other hand had platinum blond hair that was combed back. The three boys looked at me, and the blond one scowls. I give them all a smile then begin my spiel. " Hello, I am Freya Skyson and this is my friend Neville Longbottom." I caught myself in that moment I had never asked if me and Neville were actually friends. I turned to Neville. " Were friends right?" Neville nodded his head. " Yes. So Neville here has lost his toad and I was wondering if you had seen a quite cute small yellowish green toad?" I flashed my signature smile hoping to win the boys over. However the blond boy stood up and swaggered his way over to me with a smug smirk on his face.  He was taller then me but no taller then Neville. 

" I've never heard of the Skyson's. You must be a half-blood." He he spat. 

" Well I'll have you know that not only do I not remember what that means, but neither of my parents are magical I'll have you know." I retorted to his dum face. As I said that Neville began to recoil, like a scared snail. 

" So your a filthy Mud Blood then aren't you?" He began to walk over to Neville and Neville stepped back with every move he stepped forwards. This blond boy spat mud blood like he was telling me I was no better then a bug. I may not know what mud blood means but I knew it had something to do with me, and how the blond boy dosen't like people like me. " Makes sense  that the blood traitorous Longbottoms would make friends with a mud blood. Even your crazy parents would." The blond boy practically pinned  Neville to the wall. Neville closed his eyes and look very much in destress. In the few minuets I've known this blond boy he has not only insulted me but also hurt my friend, and for that he must pay. 

I strode up to the blond boy  and pushed him to face me. " I don't usually get physical but you are being very mean to my friend, so back off." I stated rather loud. In that moment he seamed to forget about Neville and immediately squared up to me. 

" Yeah well what are you going to do about it?" He spat, towering over me. My parents had insisted that I don't get into any trouble but this guy needed to be put in his place, and my Dad had taught me one defence before I left home.  However my Dad told me never to use it unless I have too, and this seems like a good time. I may not have magic but I do have my knee. Before he could react I kneed his groin. The blond boy immediately put his hands over his groin and folded over like a card table. The two boys behind the blond boy then stood up with an angered look in their eyes. With that I grabbed Nevilles hand and I ran. 

The two of us ran out of the train car as the blond boy yelled. " My Father will hear about this!" The two of us kept running until the end of the train car and we both caught our breath. 

" That was crazy Freya." Remarked Neville. I stood up and smiled at him. " I bet you'll be put in Gryffindor." I looked at him confused. 

" I'm sorry why is the gryffin in a door?" I asked puzzled. 

" Oh no it's a house at Hogwarts."He responded, sheepishly. 

" Well whatever house I'm in I just hope I'm in a house with you." I remarked.                 

Yellow RosesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora