Dream #1: Hunger Games is that you?

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WARNING: Messy writing and many miss spelled words, I write these dream as soon as I wake up/ when there fresh in my mind so they may be (not always) rushed.


In this dream I and 8-12 other people were in an arena , and in this arena  we were told that we would have to fight these monsters/huge animals and kill them in order to make it to the end of the "game. This was also like a hunger games type thing so it was basically play to survive or die kind of deal, so when we were told what to do they let us run out into the bigger space of the Arena , which was like a dark forest type thing, so we are running in this thick forest with some small helpful weapons like swords and knives and guns or such and we are really on edge because of this huge supposed monster that's after us all, so we walk/run  cautiously through this forest and one of them ended up finding this huge goat/ram type thing in a flare area which kind of looked like it was dandy but also with some patches of grass and forest foliage. and the person (I think a male ) tried to stab or harm this huge monster goat, it ended up waking up and was on a rampage, it saw us and changed, I think it ended up trampling one of the people, so we are running for our lives but dippe not we make it to the Irene and and I think one of the contestants found like this huge stick or something and tried to impale the goat with it and I think it did work at some point but did not kill it, so we're backing up terrified but suddenly this huge alligator comes jumping out of a huge lake/puddle near by and basically grabs the goat by its neck and drags it down in the water, presumable to be eaten. So after that we are brought back to the Irene and are then told that like 2 or so people have died, we're all sad and stuff but we are then told that we have to find something along the lines of a child or something to protect motherly like, so we hear that and we trudge on (we're still in this very thick and dark forest btw) so we do that, and eventually the person I can also see from there point of view come across these tadpole/ duck egg hybrid things in a sort of swap/forestry area, first instinct  is to grab them and protect them so that's what they do, little do they know that a huge owl bear thing has seen them and had gone kill mode, so they are running for there life holding these eggs and trying there very hardest to not drop them while this owl bear is chancing them, I think the monster ended up clawing them in the arm at some point as well, eventually the owl bear back off as our person makes it back to the Irene and this person is exhausted but eventually find a good spot to lay the eggs down (it was alike an icy box) they hang out with the little eggs which can sum how swim/slither around and babble a bit as well as communicating with our character here, so we do that they have their cute little moment and the all of them are call back to the main area in the Irene, there told something along the lines of a mothers love and all my that, they congratulate our character on being able to find the eggs, we have a little brake before moving into the next thing and we go back to the eggs, we have another fun moment, the eggs tell us about hope fully finding a home somewhere and thelmn I woke up

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