Dream #3: Water, wood, and pain

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WARNING: Messy writing and many miss spelled words, I write these dream as soon as I wake up/ when there fresh in my mind so they may be (not always) rushed.

This dream was another interesting one, in thid one I kind of shifted different pov's one was underwater and another was kind of in this forestry above ground area that then went down into like a 30 foot pit.
I'll start with the underwater part, ok so I was in this house, there were multiple rooms conjoining together this way and that, until I went down a level in the house which then brought me to this almost underwater area but it was sectioned out with pillers , were only parts of the place was underwater, (it looked more like a full wall of water was in between the pillers sectioning, dividing the airy parts and the watery parts) it was also in like a kitchen/dinning area which then connected to room using a few of the pillers, there were pictures hanging on the walls and there was this very well decorated kitchen area with a table and chairs and all this other stuff like plants ,table wear, ect. Everything's also had like a creamy color to it such as the walls and the pillers , the tables and chairs looked to be made of dark wood, everything else was kind of just a blend of indistictable color throug (might add a drawing of the space later on when I have the time) anyway I was also with three other people I think they all looked to be female caring from 20-7 I think there was a little boy there too, anyways they showed me around the place as if I were going to live here of something, they then direct me to wear this circular thing, (if you look up reusable water balloon, it kind of looked like that except it's only one half of it) and they instructed me that I would then be able to breath underwater with this divice since I can't breath water like they can, I do as was instructed and then am able to explore whatever was underwater with them, it felt so real yet not at the same time, I was able to see the Bubbles from my mouth into the water as if it were real, I was able to see everyone around me swim as if they had done it a hundred times over, the space after that still relatively looked like the kitchen, but much more darker, there was more graying to the walls and pillers ,dark blues, and purples in the mix of it all, there was also the ocational sea weed and underwater plane life, alot of it almost looked bioluminescent to witch added alot of color to the place and it actually looked really cool In retrospect.

Now to get to the other secrion of my dream that kind of switched off, some how I think once I was swimming through the water enough it kind of morphed to were I was kind of looking on into a huge pit I would say about 50-55 feet in width and about 30 feet down, the pits out space was surrounded by alot of different plant life and forests, such as dark oak, birch, ect. there were also alot of different wood/plant like creature that I couldn't really make out in the dream. They were chearing about something probably what every this pit was used for, my best guess would be a fight kind arena of some sorts with the layout, the inside of the pit kind of had more rocks forming on the sides as well as a lot of green and yellow plant foliage inside, I think a few trees were in there as well. But anyway i was in this arena ,almost looking in from an outsiders perspective ,so I was able to see myself as well as the arena, everyone was shouting and I plopped down into the arena,

A/N: this is later in the day as I write this so some details have started to fade or mush together so some stuff may not be as vivid anymore lol

And I think I started fighting this thing that was with my in the arena, it looked a lot like the people from the outer part, I'm not quite sure what happened with the whole fight itself but eventually I got hurt and had to get out  so I attempted to clime the outer wall of the arena, and some how I think splinters or wood got embedded into my shoulder/arm through out the fight, I think it was from the other opponent, (the wood almost looked like those annoying burse you sometimes get when walking or hiking) and they started to very quickly go up my arm ,kind of like lightning in a way. The wood eventually turned into branches sprouting Out of my arm, my facial expression said I was in pain although I didn't really feel anything. The branches started to continue to go up my arm and one of them started to form on to the wall I was hanging onto so I was practically trapped at that point, so I'm absolutely terrified and in pain while clinging to the side of a wall when someone from the crowd came down to help me out seeing as I couldn't fight, they we're probably a medic or something, but they cut me from the wall and got me to the top of the arena were they used some sore of tool to get the left over branches and burse out of my skin, I remember seeing the marks that were left from them ,they looked like stars but also splotched, and looked a lot like 3rd degree burn marks and once again they looked real yet not at the same time, once they were done getting everything out I was put back into the arena to fight, i remember the fear of being put back and possibly having that happen again (I think dream me has been officially traumatized at this point) but I went into the arena anyway because I didn't now what else to do.
I don't really remember anything about that section of the dream after that.

The last little bit of my dream, I was once again in the underwater kitchen looking area, I swam for a bit till I was back to the breathable part with air, I took the circular thing off, and one of the women there came with me, (I didint see any of the others) she looked about my hight with long brown looking hair I don't really remember any other distinguished features though, but I did make a comment about "how unfair it was that you can breath both air and water, while I can only breath air and have to wear this thing" or something like that, she laughed and made some form of remark and then lead my back upstairs.
That's were my dream ends and I wake up.

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