Dream #2: I believe i can fly, Marvel edition?

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WARNING: Messy writing and many miss spelled words, I write these dream as soon as I wake up/ when there fresh in my mind so they may be (not always) rushed.


I'm this dream from what I could remember I was in the place of Spider-Man/Peter Parker specifically the MCU Peter, I was also with iron man/ ton stark. We were in a flat, grassy park with a few rounds here and there, there wasn't anyone around which was a little weird considering it was daytim in this dream but again it's a dream so... anyways tony was telling to try on this new suit he made for me so I do it looked quite like any other iron man suit but at times it morphed into the shape of the spider suit, it was mostly red I think with a hint of some other colors I couldn't quit make out probaly gold, blue or silver? but anyways I have he suit on and tony says that we should test it out and we do I start the bottom thrusters of the suit and starts to fly (tony arch tom the sideline) I and absalutly amassed by this and practically holler with pure joy, I ended up flying directly into the middle of a tree, like I go through a gap in it and fly through the branches type thing. I'm so close tho reaching the top but then I decide to dive back down for the fun of it, I end up flying dangerously close to one of the mid section branches and just before I hit it (it am close to at least) I sadly wake up :(

Defiantly one of those really fun dreams were you wish you didn't wake up from, I think I may be reading to much irondad & spiderson fanfiction though or it may just be because marvel has basically become my new special interest for the last two or so years lol
Still a great dream regardless

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