Dream #5: A park, thats it

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WARNING: Messy writing and many miss spelled words, I write these dream as soon as I wake up/ when there fresh in my mind so they may be (not always) rushed.


In this dream I was in a field/park of some sorts and I was with this girl (she had straight, black looking hair and wore casual looking cloths) and possible her little sibling, there was a lot of space around the area we were in along with a few other people, plants, ect. (Everything you expect in a place like that) and I think she wanted me to come to the side of a building we were near, I think it looked reddish brown, possibly a brick structure with a lot of shade. When we were there I pulled out a sketchbook I had with me the entire time, it was a black looking leather book with thick yellowing pages. I think she asked me what I drew in there? I do t have a lot of recollection of it but I showed her some of the drawing, they looked strange and like random outlines of things jumbled to get her to creat a picture, some of them I feel like I could recognize as some of my own from real life yet they looked off at the same time, we flipped through about 10-15 different drawing before I shut the sketchbook, I think we started talking about glasses or something along the lines of that, I then talk about how everything looks just a little to bright and explained how I have a little bit of sensitive eyes due to the light, (I do have this irl) and I think we joked around a little after that as if we were good friends, everything else is either undistinguishable or fuzzy after that.
Overall though it was a nice dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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