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Near the end of summer break , Crouch manor

"ROSALIE!" I heard the voice of my mother from downstairs. "ROSE-"COMING!" I shouted back rolling my eyes and getting of my bed , making my way downstairs.

"Rosalie" my mum says as I take the last step "The Blacks are here for dinner" she whisper - shouts looking me up and down then stopping and looking at me " what are you wearing" "a dress" I say as if I'm stating the obvious "says who?" She replied raising an eyebrow "The daily prophet" I replied giving her a challenging look back.

"Mum , leave her alone she looks beautiful ." Said Barty coming downstairs,wrapping his arm around my shoulder and kissing my head while looking at my mum , who rolled her eyes "hurry their in the dining room" .

Walking ahead of us she makes her way into the dining room first . I first greet Mr and Mrs Black then turn around and greet regulus smiling at him "wow, have you grown taller since the last time I saw you" i question while smiling at him because clearly this guy is now like 6'1 . " have I ?" He said while smirking knowing for a fact that he's grown "or have you just gotten shorter?" He said a bit after , hugging me once our parents went into the other room.

"Barty" "Regulus" they great each other . As we start walking into the other room I pull Regulus aside "where's that brother of yours" I whispered but soon realised that regulus looked quite distant "Hey..." I said getting his attention back. "Umm... he left , got disowned..." "I'm sorry , shouldn't have asked" "it's fine , it's not like I care it was going to happen sooner or later" he said switching all the emotions off like a light switch and making his way into the other room.

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September 1st

September 1st, also known as the worst day and best day ever . Worst because it's the first day of school and the best because it's the first day of school.

"Make sure you keep your status up and I - "you don't want any letters home, yes yes we know mum" said Barty interrupting our mother from saying the words she says every year. " okay well you can go off now" she said in a harsher tone.

"finally" I said rolling my eyes and walking away from the Bitch , and you might be thinking why am I calling her a bitch she's my loving and caring mother , yeah well those kind of mums only exist in fairy tails and sadly this is reality.

"Hey can you take my stuff to our seat with the rest I need to use the bathroom" once we entered the train turning toward Barty and handing him my case. "Really" he said giving me the most deadpanned look. "Please..." I said give him my brightest smile. "Okay fine hurry , normal seats okay" he said taking my case while i walked away nodding

"Can you watch where your going" I said as someone ran into me while walking down the train towards the bathroom "I'm sorry darling didn't know you owned the train" hearing that stupid voice made me want to literally jump of this train. "Move Black , unlike you others have places to be" "Rosalie fucking Crouch , your still a bitch." He said while smirking " that's ironic since your the dog" I replied happy to see the smirk fall off his face as he looks to the side rolling his tongue to the side of his cheek.

I found out about him and his friends secret when I saw them out in the forbidden forest and of course I made him beg me to keep his secret in front of the whole Gryffindor common room obviously they didn't know what was going on but just seeing his ego get bruised made me the happiest person alive.

"Now move." "Not until you tell me where your going" he said putting his hand in the way of me from going anywhere. "Are you always this annoying, oh wait you are" "And are you always this self centred," he said while getting closer "oh wait you are ." He whispered while looking at me up and down.

His eyes. Even if I hated him , I liked his eyes they were a mixture of a grey storm and the midnight sky I could always get lost in them , what the fuck am I talking about . I blink ending the never ending staring contest that we were having while shoving him out of the way.

"Fuck you Black" I said as I walked away putting my middle finger up "love you too Crouch" I rolled my eyes at the sentence continuing with my original journey.

Once I had arrived at the bathrooms instead of going in I went into the compartment right next to them. "Look who it is , PRINCESS" said my favourite person in the world,  well second best my twin has to go first. Making my way towards him as I smiled "how are you rose"he said in a lower tone as he wrapped his arm around me "I'm fine Barry how are you" I said as he passed me a cigarette . "Surprised that your not high right now"

"I'm fine princess , just laying low for now. Anyways what do you want to buy" he said giving me a little look of his collection . " I don't want to buy anything for now just wanted to see you" I said as a smile makes a way onto his face "you know your my favourite" "yeah I know" I replied smirking

"How's your boyfriend" he asked "don't even ask we haven't talked since before summer" "seems like you need to have a chitchat" he said while rolling a blunt "I thought you said you wanted to lay low" I said rolling my eyes "I changed my mind" he said shrugging his shoulders."Okay well I have to go, see you later idiot" "see you princess" .

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"Omg finally where have you been?" said Dorcas running up to me as soon as I made my way into the compartment "sorry I just wanted to visit Barry" I said letting go of her and hugging everyone else . "Where's Prewitt?" I asked looking around "haven't seen him since the station" replied Rosier


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Word count: 1099

Authors note:
Hey guys hope you enjoyed the first chapter if your confused Rosalie and Barty are twins  , Rosalie and Gideon prewitt are dating, Barry is technically a dealer also him and Rosalie are like brother and sister

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