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Later on during dinner:

"Why did you walk out of class earlier?" Asked Pandora as I finished adding the potatoes onto my plate.

"Oh, no reason just stressed out that's all" I said lying straight through my teeth. I had become good at lying after having to do it so often it became a constant thing that I just started doing . No emotions. No care. Nothing. It became easy so I didn't stop.

"Hey guys" said Lola and coming to sit next to me but instead of sitting in the free seat on my left she decided to make me move and sat in the seat on the right which resulted in her being next to Gideon.

After everyone said hi they went back to their conversation. "Baby I'm going to go to the common room" Gideon said getting up and kissing my cheek "okay" I replied not to bothered.

"Hey I need to go to the toilet I'll be back" said Lola a few minutes late about to get up "hey Lola can I ask you a question?"said Pandora looking at Lola strangely "can you ask when I come back I really need to go toilet" she said getting up

"It'll be really quick , it's just how long have you been fucking Gideon"said pandora. My head snapped up looking a pandora waiting for her answer hoping it's a misunderstanding.

"Wha-what I don't know what your talking about?"she said laughing nervously. Some people around us start to look over as I stand up. "How long have you been fucking Gideon?" Pandora asked again . And that's when it clicked, that's why he didn't write to me that's why they've both been acting weird.

"I'm not , I'm not" Lola replied still laughing nervously. "What are you talking about?" I asked pandora , and now mostly everyone on the slytherin table was looking and some from the other houses . In the corner of my eye I can see Sirius watching.

"I just saw her pull him into a broom closet and kiss him and that was today so I was just wondering"replied pandora to my previous question.

"Are you kidding me?"I said now my attention turning back to Lola. I was trying to control my thoughts . How could I be so stupid.

"Lola that's fucked up" said Lily from the Gryffindor table which was next to us. "Your fucking Gideon are you kidding me?" I said ignoring everyone else.

"I-...I'm not , l- l don't even know why she would say that"she said frequently stumbling over her words . "Your lying" I replied now getting closer to her as she backed up

"Rose calm down" said lily getting up to try and calm me down in some way. "What you expect me to calm down after I just found out that me best friend has been fucking my boyfriend" I said turning and shouting at her even though it wasn't her fault.

I could see the teachers standing up but my attention was caught by the sound of sobbing "oh your crying?" At this point everyone was watching "your fucking crying!"I said making my way to her

"You bitch , your the one that's hurt?"I said now in her face . "You are the most self centred, most idiotic person I've ever met ! You fuck my boyfriend and your fucking crying, are you kidding me" I said turning around trying to calm down

Some teachers made their way down towards us standing in the way. "I don't even know why your believing her they call her crazy for a reason" Lola replied from the other side of the teacher "how long have you been fucking him be honest." I stated "rose just do it later" lily said trying to pull me away

"Lily shut the fuck up, how long have you been fucking him?" I said turning back to Lola after I shouted at lily

"Since summer..." Lola replied quietly . That was it , that's all I needed. "You dumb fucking bitch, I'm going to fuck you up!" I said pushing the teacher out of the way and grabbing Lola's hair as she tried to run away . I pulled her back which caused her to lose balance.

You can be the boss || S.BTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang