How we met ~

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POV: It's been years since UA and you and Izuku are married and pro heroes. Mirko one day asks you how you actually met Izuku and ended up together

(Also, this a book full of short stories, so they shouldn't be connecting. And plus, I thought this was cute so...I hope you like it)

I was toying with my green scrunchie that Izuku gave to me way back in highschool, of course we were married now but gave me happy memories

Mirko: I still can't believe you're married, Y/N. I'm so happy for you ~

Y/N: I know! ~ It's still something I'm gonna have to get used to's a first but I'm so so happy ~

Mirko: Hm...come to think of it, when you first told me that Izuku was your boyfriend, I accepted it of course but you didn't really tell me how you two met.

I clutched the scrunchie with a blush on my face while I floated in the air

Y/N: Hm...~ It was so fun and more...funny actually ~

"Well...I loved to do cheer. I loved cheerleading and dancing in general because it was fun ~ So...I remember that me and the girls would do cheers but I decided to put my own spin on it to make it fun. Yeah, I knew it was against the rules but...I didn't really care. Just wanted to have some fun. ~ But anyways, I was in the pep rally dancing with girls. Having so much fun and I put my usual spin on it and the crowd goes crazy ~ And usually I end up being a little tired so I took a seat and I didn't realize I was sitting next to Izuku. Me being...well me, I smiled at him which made his face entirely red and he looked away. I thought it was funny. But this one time, right? He stopped me in the halls and decided to tell me how beautiful I was and that he liked my dancing ~ Then it started a whole conversation of things that we liked, what we liked to do and just getting to know eachother essentially. I did invite him to my room really late at night but IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!! We were only playing games together like videogames! ~ Then it sparked a friendship, then we got closer and of course we couldn't forget hero work on the side either. There were moments where we saved eachother and do amazing things and win together ~ Moments where we were sad and tried to help eachother out and...that's how we grew extremely close. being a close friendship, then boyfriend and girlfriend to husband and wife...~ I still can't get over that ~

Mirko noticed the scrunchie that was green and she smiled

Mirko: Is that what reminds you of him? The scrunchie? ~

I clutched it more and giggled

Y/N: He gave it to me one time because he noticed I wear scrunchies on my wrists and hair all the time. So he decided to grab a green one and give it to me and I gave him my (pick a color) one. We still held on to it. Sometimes, I forget that I have it on but whenever I look at reminds me of him so so much ~ I'm still so in love with him ~ And now we're married ~

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