We work together...

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POV: After successfully getting Izuku to stay at UA, he's in a bath by himself and you (reader) and him take the time to talk to eachother about what happened

Note: Just in case you didn't get it, it was the episode of season 6 where he tried to leave UA but everyone stopped him just in time and things ended well for everyone. But my own twist is during the bath house scene, he decides to stay a bit longer and him and the reader end up talking it out.

Bakugou: Come on, idiot. Getting out?

Izuku: I uh...think I wanna stay in for just a minute, Kachaan...

Bakugou: Tch. Whatever. Suit yourself. Here, take this towel too...

He placed the towel Next to Izuku

Izuku: Thanks, Kachaan...~

Bakugou: Yeah yeah...whatever...Izuku.

Bakugou left the bathroom and Izuku was alone. Silence filled the room but he still felt a bit of an empty void in his chest

He thought of when everyone was trying to save him from leaving and I was in absolute tears that...it really broke his heart. He still felt bad even though I forgave him

He smelled (your scented soap). My personal soap that I use and he also heard humming that came from me as well

He blushed just a bit but he didn't wanna immediately assume that it was me

The shower turned off but I noticed a piece of clothing that was probably from one of the boys. I used my quirk to pick it up and made my way to the boys side of the bath house. I covered my eyes of course while blushing

Y/N: Ugh...can you boys please keep your clothes out of our bathroom-

Izuku had a look of shock on his face and so did I

Izuku: Uh....I don't think those are mine...?

Y/N: Izuku?!

Izuku: I uh...hey, Y/N...~

Y/N: Why are you...the only one in here?

Izuku: Well everyone left and I decided to stay a bit longer...

Y/N: Hm...well, I'll just...go ahead and leave you to rest-

Izuku: W-Wait a second...! Can we...talk with eachother for a bit? If....you're not mad at me that is...

He said while looking down, his hair covering his face

I blushed from his request but...it was kinda needed so I flew towards him in my towel

Y/N: Yeah. What's up...?

Izuku: ....You should know. ....It happened not that long ago...

Y/N: .......

Izuku: ......

Y/N: .....That hurt me. That you wanted to leave me and everyone else...

Izuku: But it was for the best, alright? You don't understand. Shiguraki is after me, not you or the others.

Y/N: You really think I would let you go at it alone? Seriously? If you go in battle, we do it together.

Izuku: I'm not gonna let him touch you or the others.


Izuku: The last thing I want is to lose my friends and my girlfriend that mean the world to me!! And at the end of the day, it's my fault if I let that happen!!

He splashed the water in frustration. His voice echoed throughout the whole bathroom as he had tears running down his face. Tears filled my eyes as well

Izuku: I care about everyone so much. I would never leave you and you know that but in this case...I had to because I can't bear the thought of losing you...our friends...family. ....And it's all my fault.

Y/N: But I...I don't wanna hear that you're not with us because you decided to do everything yourself. If you did then it would eat me up inside because I didn't come along. When you're a hero, there's always struggles but that's why you have us. We're here to help you too.

Izuku: You know how strong I am...

Y/N: And you know how strong I am so why not use some help?

He looked away-

Izuku: If I lose you...I won't be able to have a future with you at all. I love you so much that I see something great in the future. I just don't want it to be taken from me...

My heart skipped a beat and I was blushing with tears running down my face

Y/N: A future....? With me? ...Izuku...

Izuku: That's why I can't lose you. I can't lose the others either. You all make me so happy that if I were to lose any of you. I'd be broken so bad...

Y/N: Hey...listen, we can't let that Happen. If you think about it, we both are worried for eachother clearly. But...I think the best thing is that we work together and no matter what happens...we don't stop. We have eachother's backs. It's not just you who has to worry about me. I worry about you. So let's just...be there for eachother...okay? ~ Please...? ~ Don't ever feel like you have to do it alone. Not all the weight has to be on your shoulders, Izuku. I know we're gonna make it to the future. But we have to make it together, hand in hand. I can't really see a future without you. ....I'll never find another Izuku Midoriya. It's impossible. There isn't another you on this planet. So...let's just pull through together, okay? We'll finish strong.

Izuku smiled warmly with tears coming down his face

Izuku: Baby....I love you so much.

I floated back in the bath with him with my towel on....that I for some reason forgot I had on...

Izuku: chuckles Baby, you're towel...~

I took off my towel and placed it outside the bathtub with a smile as I wrapped my arms around him

Better? ~

Izuku: Much better ~ But let's focus on getting clean ~

Y/N: Pfft. I had the right idea! ~

I gently splashed him while he chuckled

Meanwhile, Katsuki was by the door and heard everything

Bakugou: Finally...these losers came together.

.....Don't let her go for a second....Izuku....

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