Leila Addams

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So, we are going to play a little get to know you game with our characters. And, to make it fun for you, the readers, you are welcome to ask them questions in the comments of their chapter and they will answer you 😉

Personality: I would say that I have a pretty cheerful personality. I try to show kindness to everyone and do something to make their day better. Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows, so you never know what someone is going through.

Favorite color: Hmm, probably blue right now. It changes fairly often though!

Favorite holiday: This may surprise you, but it's Halloween. 🎃

Hobbies: Bible study/church, reading, writing, running, watching movies, hanging out with family and friends

What three things can you not live without: My Bible, my cell phone, and and my computer.

If you were an animal, what would you be: Oh boy. Maybe a bear on a winter day? Then I could curl up in my den and read and be all warm and cozy all day.

Favorite food: That's an easy one! Tater tots!

Favorite subject: You could probably guess this, haha. It's English Lit.

Dream job: Doctor

Biggest fear: Being alone

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