Lick It Up!

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Hizashi was scrutinizing the list. Twenty-two things crossed off and they had about twenty-eight more things to go through together. He wasn't normally so indecisive, normally he could think of what he wanted without needing to look at the paper but today? Today he needed too. He needed to revisit the things he and Shouta had both written down, needed to read what else they had planned that they could dive into and see just what he wanted to do next.

He personally would like a few of the wilder things but those required time, they required much research and perhaps even advice from experts on the matter which was a nonstarter given he wanted something to do tonight. He rubbed his palm against his lips, his brows coming together tightly as he started down at the list, his knee bouncing lightly as he scanned his eyes up and down the list again.

Then again. And again. What did he want that wasn't just kicking things off again and spook any balance they had going right now? His husband was in a good mood; a very good mood given Eri's playdate today had gone well, the girl had only whined twice while they were out shopping, and he didn't even seem to mind Denki hanging around the house nor about him sleeping over for the weekend.

He even hummed earlier; it was quiet, incredibly quiet but Hizashi had been close enough to hear it and it blew him away. When was the last time his husband hummed like that? He couldn't remember but God if it wasn't such a pretty sound. Shouta always did have a nice singing voice; nothing too high nor too low. While he couldn't quite hit deep or high notes perfectly, he could have a very nice middle range that Hizashi loved.

Especially when he got to hear when the man divulged in singing a song or two. It was even sweeter when he thought he was alone. It was nice to listen too. Relaxing. He huffed out a breath tearing himself out of the unhelpful way his thoughts were bouncing around aimlessly as he refocused on the list. He had confidently said earlier he wanted to do something tonight, Shouta readily agreeing with him, but the question was what did they do?

The whole reason his husband was taking a shower now was so they could do something tonight but what did he choose? A lot of the things they could do required buying items online and he knew sure as hell that neither of them wanted to wait that long when they both wanted something now. What could they feasibly do that would or could be done tonight right now?

He was scanning over the list again when he stopped. He blinked before grinning as he folded the paper up sticking back in the pillow case jumping to his feet. How did he not see that the countless times he looked over it? Food! He could do that! And, if he knew anything about that, they could start easily! They not only had sauces to use, not only had honey if he wanted to use it, but they had exactly two things of whipped cream he could use as well.

The options were endless. He didn't need some Wiki page nor a random article on the internet to know what he could do for a first-time use! He rushed across the floor, jittery with the sudden bolt of excitement that was wriggling through him to every finger and toe on his body as he rushed through the open bedroom doors with at least three out of their six cats skittering away from his path.

He ran down the short hallway into the kitchen, flying towards the fridge reaching out to grab the handle before throwing it open scanning the shelves in front of him quickly then turning his gaze to the shelves on the door before snagging the chocolate syrup and whip cream off of the shelves. He slammed the door shut with his hip as he rushed over to the cabinet throwing open the middle one reaching up easily to snag the honey off of the bottom shelf then snapping it shut.

There was no way this couldn't backfire. There was no way that Shouta wouldn't like it! He could easily replace the syrup, if need be, he could replace all of it if they ended up keeping the items in their room for some reason, and he found himself grinning widely to himself. It was an easy sort of situation that they could easily clean up and they were caught up on laundry if they had to change the sheets again.

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