{chapter 3}

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I'm Carson Lueders,one of Mackenzie Ziegler's friends and I have a amazing relationship with my girlfriend,Kendall Vertes once I saw her I immediately fall in love with her. There was an another girl who named was Brynn Rumfallo who was beautiful 3 years ago in April I asked Kendall to be my girlfriend. I also found out that Kenz had a girlfriend who was her old duet partner from Dance Moms,Nia Frazier she was cute with her girlfriend. Kenzie started dating her when she was 13 and when Nia was 16 (a/n:I don't ship Kendall with Carson Cardall/Kendson idk which one is better but it's whatever I'm a Bryson shipper I think that they would be great friends tho) I met Kendall when a Kenzie and I were hang with Jules and her sister,Maddie. Then Brynn,Nia,Kalani and Kendall and there I saw Kendall then I fall in love with her immediately and she looked amazing then I asked her to be my girlfriend 2 weeks later.

3 years ago
Carson,Jules and I were hang out and then Brynn,Kendall and my girlfriend,Nia Sioux Frazier came I immediately saw Carson looking at Kendall. I kinda ship them but I'm a Bryson shipper (Same here,Kenzie😂🤣) I thought to myself that Carson is in love with Kendall I indented my friends and girlfriend to Carson and Jules. "Jules,Carson this is my friends from Dance Moms,Brynn and Kendall!" I said to them "And who is the girl in the middle?" Jules asked "Oh,that's is my girlfriend,Nia" I said as she smiled at me Nia sat next me and Carson and then she put her hand on chin and give me a peck on my lips. (a/n:I'm not gonna lie but Kenzie Ziegler and Nia Frazier if they was a couple/girlfriends they would be a cute couple ever #keia/nenzie4ever #keia/nenzie4life I SHIP Kenzie and Nia I love them as friends but if they were a couple omg they will be a cute couple😩❤️) I smiled at my amazing girlfriend then Kendall and Brynn looked at each other then at Nia and I and said "Awwww! You guys so cute and the cutest couple" we looked at them and we hold hands. Carson us when we started dating "How long have you two been dating for?" Carson asked we look at each other and we looked at Carson "We started dating for 4 years when Kenzie was 13 and I was 16" Nia said to Carson. Carson looked at me and said to me "Kendall is beautiful I might ask her out" I just smiled at him. I remembered that Brynn,my girlfriend and I were hanging out at my house/place.  I show Carson's instagram and she said "Damn he's is so handsome" Nia looked at Brynn and said "I think you and Carson would be a cute couple". Brynn smiled at Nia "Not at cute you two!" Brynn said at Nia and I and we each other and hold hands then Nia hold my chin and kiss my lips and then we smiled at each other Nia kissed my lips again. "Awww! Cuties couple I forever ship you two Brynn said "I'm the single here!" she added. I looked at Brynn and I said "Carson is a amazing guy and you two will be a great couple" "Yeah Bryson definitely forever!" Nia said at Brynn and Brynn got confused when my girlfriend said that. "Bryson? What is Bryson?" Brynn asked Nia "You guys ship name!" Nia said "Yeah,that cute!" I said as I looked my girlfriend. Maddie came into my room and said "Kenz,don't you and Nia have a date tonight?" I looked at her and said "Oh,yeah!" "I will drop you two off at the restaurant" Maddie said. (a/n:omg them as a couple will be the cutest>>>>😩❤️)

Kenzie told a lot about Carson and even show me his instagram and damn he HANDSOME guy. I started falling in love with him after Kenzie show his instagram account to me and I immediately fallen in love with him. Kenzie,Nia (her girlfriend) and I hang out at Kenzie and Maddie's house and then they had a date that day. "Kenz,don't you and Nia have a date tonight?" Maddie said to Kenzie and Kenzie said "Oh yeah" and then Maddie took Kenzie and Nia for their date. Then I asked Maddie to take me to Hayden's house to hang out but he was busy with Johnny. I went and 3rd wheeled them on their date I honestly don't mind about staying and 3rd wheeling Kenzie and Nia's date bc I don't mind it at all. After I saw Carson who was CUTE and DAMN HANDSOME 2 weeks ago he asked Kendall to be his girlfriend and of course I was happy for Kendall (a/n:Did you really think that I would make Brynn jealous of Kendall? Absolutely not!). Kendall was happy to be Carson's girlfriend and she knew that I liked Carson I didn't want to ruin Kendall's relationship with Carson plus I ship Cardall (a/n:Kendall and Carson's ship name again I ship Bryson Brynn and Carson). I kept my feelings towards Carson to myself Carson was in love with Kendall and she is my closest friends since Dance Moms I know that Kendall wasn't try to hurt my feelings by dating
Carson plus him and I are great friends. I froze everytime when I see him I'm really in love with him he is so cute I'm absolutely happy for Kendall for finding someone. One time Kendall,Carson (my crush and her boyfriend),Hayden and I were hang out and I was caech feeling for Hayden and I asked Kendall to talk alone. "Kendall,can we talk?" I asked her she looked at me and smiled then said "Sure!" I asked her if we could talk alone "Can we talk alone?" I asked her "Sure!" Kendall said. We went to a another room and then Kendall looked at me and said "If this is about Carson,sor-" Kendall said but I cut her off "This isn't about Carson it's act-"

Cliffhanger Brynn is crushing and having feeling for both Carson Lueders and Hayden Summerall btw Kendall ship Brynn and Carson (her best friend and own boyfriend) and Kenzie and Nia (her best friends since dance moms)

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