On Our Way To Die Today, Hooray!

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Hestia quickly explained the game's intricate rules, looking anxious to see us all get killed in glorious ways. It went a bit like this:

So, we were going to be trapped in a large arena- our home base was going to be a starship, but for more entertainment, the support systems were to be failing. In order to not be boring and die in a normal way, food and other necessities would be provided. Also, we would be wearing colored armor-suits for protection and identification. Any outside magic will not work, and swearing on the River Styx is not binding.

Oh, and by the way, we needed to secure the stability of the base so we didn't blow up or disintegrate. Therefore, we needed a captain to coordinate that. Outside the ship, there are feral monsters that won't hesitate to attack the ship, so we needed warriors. People are going to get hurt, so we need to elect a medic. And approximately every five minutes, there was going to be another life-threatening mechanical malfunction, so we needed a mechanic. Feel free to fight each other for the titles!

Luckily, the vote was unanimous for every role. Annabeth would be acting captain, Reyna would be the commander of the warriors, Will would be the medic, and Leo would be the repair boy.

"Alright," Annabeth turned to us after Hestia left. We were all huddled together in the middle of a giant pavilion, scared as heck for our lives. If I looked as miserable as I felt, I would be like everyone else. "We can't let the gods win this. We will pull through. We just need to divide ourselves into groups based on our strengths."

"Agreed," Leo said shakily. "That way, we don't accidentally implode the ship by pushing the wrong button. Ka-BOOM! No more ship!" Frank laughed, which goes to show how much nerves were really frayed.

"Me, Percy, Grover, and Leo should be on one team since Percy, Grover, and I have worked together for so long, and Leo and I can tackle the tech issues." The daughter of Athena was really down to business even though she looked scared like the rest of us- I was glad she was our leader.

"Jason, Frank, Hazel, and Thalia would be a good combination due to your coordination with each other." Thalia lightly punched Jason on the shoulder, reminding me of Kayla, who did the same thing to me just a few hours ago. I pushed down the homesickness and continued listening to Annabeth speaking.

"Piper, you can work with Pollux, Travis, and Katie." Travis protectively wrapped his arms around Katie, who gave him a grateful smile. "That leaves Reyna, Nico, Will, and Zhara."No one argued, so we all went to pack the tiny bag we were allowed to bring, opening the various brown boxes from Camp-Half-Blood stacked at the edge of the tiled floor that lined the pavillion. Chiron had the campers mail us some stuff- in my case, band-aids, a toothbrush, rubber bands, clothes, pencils, and my diary. According to the messily scrawled letter inside the boxes, they had gotten word of the games, putting everyone in mass panic, but the old centaur somehow managed to control them long enough to send us supplies, and for that I was grateful.

"Come over, heroes!" Hestia's voice floated over to us. With one last glance at the messily taped package labeled Zhara S, I walked with the others to the fountain of Zeus where we were meeting up.

"Among Us." Percy was muttering as we gathered around. "The gods took those suits from Among Us." I followed his gaze, and was met by an array of high-tech, brightly colored spacesuits each sitting in a closet of their own. I vaguely remembered that Among Us was a killing assassin game, so that didn't reassure me at all.

"These are your suits," Hestia drawled. "Go pick up the one with your name on it and put it on."

We approached slowly and cautiously, like we were scared that the armor might jump out of their cubicles and attack us. A small white tag on a bright orange suit caught my eye- it read Solare, so I picked it off the rack, pushing the door shut to change. It was surprisingly light and breathable, and when I slid it over me, it fit perfectly. I flicked the visor down, and to my surprise, several projected graphs flashed to life on the sides of the window. It displayed information like vitals, a group chat (seriously?), and alerts to which systems would need fixing. I strapped my scythes to the belt, and as I stepped out of the changing room, I could see everyone else in their suits, all brightly colored.

"Why is mine pink?" Piper muttered. Her voice came through the intercom, and I saw several people jump. "Aphrodite, I know you chose this..."

"Ok, I can't see anyone unless I get close enough to their face. That won't work." The speaker sounded like she was right beside me due to the headset. "Who is who? This is Reyna- I'm dark purple."

We gathered around in a circle and said our names and color, and I got a ridiculous image of kindergarteners introducing themselves on the first day of school. Stop that, I chided myself. We're going to be fighting for our lives, and all you think about is show and tell?

After expressing her approval of our suits, Hestia taught us how to navigate the technology, from linking the headsets to just a few people, to using the monitors, to chatting in the group chat. Leo obviously forgot to mute, because he was muttering furiously to himself about how to make best use of the advantages of the suit.

"It's lightweight, but the thin plates underneath offer a bit of protection...If I can link it to a central processing unit with ultra-insulated circuits..."

As the last few minutes of our prep time drained away, I looked around, wondering how many of us would live to see our families again. The sun streamed in directly above, indicating that it was around noon, which would be the time we would be sent into the arena- a glance at the giant clock peeking over the buildings surrounding us confirmed that it was 11:58- just two precious minutes left. I tried hard to not think about all that I could be losing as I approached the fountain again.

"I see you're all ready!" Zeus's voice came in so loud that several people flinched and covered their ears instinctively. "Let's not waste any time. You'll be sent into the arena in... let's see... ten seconds." A person in a golden colored suit- that was Will, if I remembered correctly- grabbed my hand, pulling another person in a black outfit behind him.

"We got this." Nico's voice came in through the intercom. He had actually picked up pretty fast how to link the headsets of just the four in our group, and seemed fully recovered from the experience of his own dad strangling him. "We'll show the gods what we're capable of."

"Affirmative." Purple flashed at the edge of my vision, and Reyna appeared beside us. She slipped her hand into mine, squeezing gently- I was the youngest 'tribute', as the gods had called it, so I guess she felt a bit protective (I was told she acts like everyone's mother and everyone loves her as a mother, too). Or maybe she just needed something to hold.

"Get ready, everyone." The daughter of Athena's gray suit matched her defiant eyes. "Whatever happens, we're in this together." All of us formed a large circle, facing inward.

"Here we go!" Zeus laughed maniacally, further reinforcing my opinion that he wasn't sane right now. There was a loud pop, and electricity ran through my veins, until all I could see was a blinding white light, searing the image of a lightning bolt into my mind.



Sorry, bit of a shorter chapter this time!

Again, any feedback is deeply appreciated and listened to!

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Q: What parts of this game is Among Us and which parts are Hunger Games?

The Tributes of Olympus- A Hunger Games/Among Us Inspired FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now