Overly Referencing Blowing Up

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We found ourselves standing at a large round table in the middle of a room, blinking dark spots from our vision.

"Among Us!" Percy yelled, his eyes wild behind his dark blue helmet and visor. "Everything's Among Us! They're copying Among Us! I'm gonna sue!" Ever since the water incident, he had been acting a little... off.

"Hey, bro, its okay. Take a breather- Among Us involves people in the crew killing other people." Jason, in cyan, was looking around, inspecting the various machinery scattered about. "We are all a team."

"Welcome to the arena!" Hephaestus's face appeared above the table in an Iris message. Leo muttered something rude about dads sending kids to their death, in Spanish. He obviously forgot to mute again. "You will receive your first tasks soon. Form four teams of four-"

"Been there, done that!" Percy snorted. I wanted to tell him to kindly keep it down and please not anger the gods who could blow us up, but I still didn't understand how these freaking helmets worked. Annabeth squeezed his hand though, hopefully quieting him a bit.

The gods of forges frowned, causing flames to flicker across his beard. "Alright, then. I'll activate the dangerous machines now." He punched a button in the background, and my visor lit up with a map of the ship, red dots throbbing where things needed attention. "Good luck, heroes! You'll need it!" The iris message ended, leaving us with an unstable ship that was about to blow up. Yay.

"Thalia, your group can take on the monsters outside the ship." Annabeth looked terrified as she scanned the list of dangerous tasks, but her voice was steely calm. "Piper, can you retrieve our inventory from the basement... woah, which is filled with traps and... nevermind. Okay. Reyna, take your group to med-bay and turn off the radiation that is leaking from the machines. My group, we can go check on the engines that are about to blow up."

"I prefer to stay as un-blown-up as possible," Leo said in a serious voice. "I wouldn't wanna go BOOM again! Haha!" He clutched the bright red fabric of his suit as he started laughing uncontrollably. Everyone else started giggling to- I guess that's what this immense pressure can do to even the strongest of us.

"Deep breaths, guys." At first I didn't recognize the speaker, who was dressed in light purple. But when the hysteria lifted from my mind, I realized that it was Pollux, son of the god of madness. His powers had really grown, and never stopped, as I had been observing for two years now, ever since I arrived at camp-half-blood when I was eleven.

"Thank you, Pollux." Annabeth said, catching her breath, looking slightly embarrassed. "Let's get to our stations to avoid the whole 'blow up' scenario." With that, we dispersed, going towards the blinking light of our job.

"Radiation," Will muttered as he led us through the twists and turns of the ship. It was a very impressive vessel, and I would've admired it if it wasn't about to explode in our faces any second. "That's not good. It's probably from the big central preceding machine- if there's a leak in that, we could get radiation poisoning."

"Doesn't sound like any fun." I surprised myself by actually talking. "Let's turn that off as quickly as possible."

"That's probably a good idea. So... why do you think the gods are doing this?" Nico asked.

"Hera said something about us getting too powerful." Reyna answered, walking briskly beside me. "Maybe they're scared of us."

Will nodded absently. "Yeah. Maybe. We're here."

We turned the corner, and were met by one of those sliding doors. But this one was closed, the gears interlocking with each other to form an unbreachable gate.

"Percy wasn't kidding when he said that the gods based this off of Among Us," Nico said, inspecting the hatch. He looked up when we all stared at him. "What? I play Mythomagic with Frank, I can play Among Us with Percy."

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