Chapter One

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"Welcome to S.H.O.W.S. Limited, newcomers! It's such a pleasure to have you work with us!"

That was it. My first time working for a completely different company ever since my revival.

Everything felt so unusual, including my own body. Ever since the repair process, I felt really numb in my metallic buildup. Some of the gears in my build also didn't seem to operate right, because I felt quite a lot of pain in even the slightest amount of pressure.

"So this is California." I told Buck, who stood next to me, tugging at my arm.

"I'm thorry, Dave... it wath the only way to thave you... even if it meant... ecthile..."

The hiring manager – a rather strangely built robot – at the front of the main office called out to us again. "So, let's introduce ourselves and get started with a little interview, shall we, newcomers?"

"We have to talk to her now, Dave. Come on." Buck told me before dragging me with him to the manager.

The manager greeted us at the front desk and offered us to sit down. As we sat, she cleared her throat.

"Welcome. We're so thrilled to have you as part of our working team! I'll start off by introducing myself. My name is Nayana Hyde, and I'm the main boss here at S.H.O.W.S Limited, and part of the Lifebot department, judging from my suit. You'll be introduced to these various departments here soon, but the main idea is, I'm here in charge of hiring new employees! I know, really obvious, but I just wanted to get the point across. So, now it's your turn, new employees. Go ahead and introduce yourselves."

Buck remained silent. I turned to him to try to get him to talk first, but he didn't look at me. I just shook my head and started my introduction first.

"I... I'm... I'm Dave Brubot. Um... I'm here with my friend Buck because we... we..."

"We got fired from our old job and dethperately need a new one. Thith wath the only one where it theemed like you had availability for uth." Buck suddenly interrupted, sounding annoyed.

I sat there, feeling stupid. To be honest, I wasn't even sure why we were let go from our old job at C.O.G.S Incorporated in the first place. The last thing I remembered was my entire life being wiped from existence due to Chip Revvington's override, but time has passed for far too long ever since then. From the duration of my lack of existence in the world, I had been living in a void of nothingness, with absolutely no one else around. Now I was existent again and living in an entirely different place. Buck was also acting strange, because he was never usually this irritated with anything.

"I see..." Nayana replied. "Would you like to tell me where you worked before this?"

"C.O.G.S Incorporated was the last place I remember, actually..." I told her.

"Dave!" Buck snapped, abruptly turning to me.

I raised an eyebrow, confused. Nayana simply nodded at my answer.

"C.O.G.S Incorporated, huh? Interesting." she answered.

The look on her face gave the impression that she was judging us. I wasn't sure why, and considering the fact that Buck clearly didn't want me to make things awkward, I didn't bother asking him anything.

"So." Nayana continued. "Would you like to introduce yourself a little more... Dave Brubot?"

I took a deep breath before replying. "I uh... used to be a regional manager at C.O.G.S Incorporated in the Bossbot department, going by the suit name of the Major Player... same with Buck over here... but you know, we worked in different departments."

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