Chapter Three

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"I'm extremely disappointed in you, Buck. First day working here and you already start acting stupid and causing mayhem in the cafeteria."

There I was, sitting at Nayana's front desk because someone decided to report me to the main boss of S.H.O.W.S Limited after the incident in the cafeteria during lunch hour.

If I want to be completely honest, I didn't have that breakdown without any reason. I just completely failed my one job and my one promise to Sam, the Skelecog who was in charge of repairing Dave after his brutal destruction and death not too long ago, way back at C.O.G.S Incorporated.

Thanks to my stupidity, I failed to protect my best friend from locking eyes with a Toon, because somehow, he still managed to lay his eyes upon the pizza concession manager, who apparently turned out to be a Toon. A little gray cat creature who was rather pretty.

The unfortunate thing was that she seemed to be the first person dealing with a weird romantic attraction at the wrong time because of Dave, and any other Toon that he might end up interacting with would only be able to form a friendship with him that wouldn't develop any further.

I finally sighed after hearing Nayana ramble about how idiotic I'd been on my first day for the past five minutes and spoke up. "Look, I had a tathk to thtick to, and that weird 'tantrum' you accuthed me of throwing, it wath not thomething I did without any reathon."

"Really? And what task could that possibly be? What task could possibly involve you having a useless breakdown like that and embarrassing yourself in front of hundreds of people wanting to order their food and eat their lunch in peace in the cafeteria?" Nayana questioned, narrowing her eyes.

At that moment, I had enough. I abruptly stood up from the chair, slammed my hands on the desk, and yelled, "I had to protect my betht friend Dave Brubot from gathing into the eyeth of a thingle Toon he theeth! And by the lookth of it, I failed, becauthe he thomehow laid hith eyeth upon the piththa contheththion manager! And you people think thith ith jutht a complete joke becauthe all you're doing right now ith making me look like a great fool for my firtht day at thith tho-called 'clean energy company!'"

Nayana stared at me for a long moment, as if judging everything I told her. I had to come clean regardless. It was the only way to explain everything.

Finally, she sighed and started tapping her pen on the table. "You know, Buck, I really thought giving you a second chance to prove yourself worthy of working at this company by letting you work in the Goldbot department would help you become more intelligent, but I guess my efforts didn't repay me anything great from you. That's the most nonsensical task I've ever heard of, because you're overreacting over your friend seeing other employees of mine, and simply telling me garbage that's just a complete waste of my time. That was seriously the reason for your dumb little breakdown back there? Unbelievable, Buck. Just unbelievable."

"You clearly don't care what Dave had to go through." I told her firmly. "If you jutht let me ecthplain thith whole thituation, then you might underthtand-"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not your stupid therapist?!" she shouted, interrupting me. "If you have problems, DON'T bring them up in my office. My job here is to manage this company perfectly. I'm literally the boss of S.H.O.W.S Limited altogether. This job is tough, Buck. And it doesn't involve listening to employees ramble on about stupid unimportant tasks and life problems."

She was making me angrier by the second. She wanted me to explain why I had that cafeteria breakdown during lunch hour, and yet she kept repeating the fact that she wasn't a therapist and her job didn't involve her listening to the issues of her employees, especially ones that she personally thought were not important.

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