Chapter 6: Vitruvius' Death + Takos Tuesday

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~Vitruvius has wandered into the Think Tank.~

Vitruvius: Sneaking around the corner.

~Suddenly he falls to the ground flat on his face.~

Lord Business: Vitruvius, I see you've accidentally wandered into my Think Tank. And by the way, I found a few of your friends. By which I mean, all of them!

~Vitruvius turns as Emmet, Lucy, Batman, Benny, Metal Beard, Oceana, Lorenzo, and Christine are brought in.~

Emmet: Sorry.

Lord Business: Acceptable work, Bad Cop.

Bad Cop: Thank you, sir.

Lord Business: Robots, destroy this old man at once.

Vitruvius: Did you just call me old?

Lord Business: Yeah. So what?

Vitruvius: Well, Junebug, I really prefer the word "experienced!"

~Suddenly Vitruvius starts attacking the robots and manages to knock all of them out, all the captive Master Builders cheer for him.~

Lorenzo: Yeah! Never underestimate the power of a person regardless their age!

Oceana: Okay laddy, we get it.

Vitruvius: Ha-ha! You see, Emmet. A corrupted spirit is no match for the purity of imagina...

~Suddenly Lord Business pops his head off with a penny, the master builders gasp, and Emmet, Lucy, Batman, Benny, Unikitty, Metalbeard, Oceana, Christine, and Lorenzo also gasp.~

Emmet: Vitruvius!

The whole team's reaction:

~Vitruvius's decapitated head rolls over towards Emmet.~

Emmet: Vitruvius...

Vitruvius: [opens his eyes] My sweet, Emmet, come closer. You must know something about the prophecy.

Emmet: I know, I'm doing my best. But I-I don't...I don't...

Vitruvius: The prophecy...I made it up.

Emmet: What...?

Vitruvius: I made it up. It's not true.

Emmet: But that means I'm just...I'm not the Special?

Vitruvius: You must listen. What I'm about to tell you will change the course of history.

~Just as he's about to speak the light in Vitruvius's eyes goes out and he dies.~

Emmet: No...! No!

~The group looks visibly sad as they are led away by the robots.~

Lord Business: Hey, not so special anymore, huh?

~The robots strap each of the group into one of the Think Tank seats.~

Lord Business: Well, guess what? No one ever told me I was special. I never got a trophy just for showing up! I'm not some special little snowflake.

~The micro-manager robot picks up Emmet and straps him onto a battery.~

Lord Business: Robots, bring me the Sword of Exact-Zero!

Robots: Yes, Lord Business.

~The robots hand Lord Business an Xacto razor and he walks over to Emmet.~

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