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oh, how wonderfully you live when it's by your rules
oh, how fearlessly you place your trust when it's in yourself
oh, how your music is worth listening to, when you're the muse
how brightly you shine when you know you're an angel

but my clouds listen to me
my treasure's unearthed and my soul set free
i'm treasured on earth but not in memory
and the leaves dance but not in front of me
the rivers, they flow to me in bustling speed
the wind speaks not to me, if not in melody
that is everything
that is everything

the sun speaks from sounds so light
the moon peaks from curtains opened wide
someday you'll watch me lose my faith and wonder why
i'm on the ground and you're in the sky


life's sweet surprises, even i can't foresee even though i try

i'm a part of the resistance
i survive to be malicious
i am selfless or indifferent
you tell me, you tell me
like i live by the luck of a draw
like i've pulled all the ones that left me in the wrong
am i right? am i not? you tell me, you decide
i'm a beast or a beauty
am i loving or frightening
you tell me, is this the truth i sing
or a lie?


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