Hot chocolate cup

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Heeseung didn't stop the kiss, but his eyes were getting bigger and bigger until he gave up and just left it as it was, but after a short time, Jake stood back breaking the kiss, opening his eyes and looking at Heeseung's shocked face. They both were silent, but the silence was interrupted by Jake's apologise "I'm s-sorry." and Hee blushed and couldn't keep the eye contact for too long, "Was this a mistake?" the man thought and asked Jake "Uh, what are you doing here? it's raining and it's midnight.", but Jake looked all around and replied "I missed you.", the lies that the other one fell for, the words the man that liked him believed.

"C-come inside!'

Jake went inside and Heeseung left him there while he went in another room to bring some blankets and dry clothes for him, "Take these, I don't want you to get sick!" he said and gave him the clothes. Jake walked to the bathroom and changed into them, the clothes were just too big for him "I look like a hooker" he stated, weirdly looking in the mirror at himself. He looked one more time and went back in the living room where Heeseung was waiting for him. When he saw Jake with his clothes and with his wet hair, his heart melted and started smiling, biting his lower lip and trying not to fall for him even more.

"Don't say a thing." Jake said disgusted, but Hee laughed. 

"Do you want something to drink?" Heeseung asked even though in his mind Jake's image was the hottest one, "Yeah, anything is good" the man said covering himself with the blankets to overcome the fever he could probably have later.

Heeseung made him a cup of hot chocolate and gave it to him, siting next to him on the beige and large couch, and while Jake was drinking it Heeseung kept staring at him, admiring how beautiful the young man is.

"You didn't made one for yourself?" Jake asked him, "No, I didn't". Weirdly he did not, even though it was his favorite drink on these rainy days. He observed that Jake was still cold so he wanted to hold him in his arms, but he only arranged the blankets to cover him more.

"Can you put on some music or something? It's too quiet in here." Jake said and Hee handed him the controller to choose what song he wanted to listen to and after a few minutes he finally decided. He chose "Okay- Chase Atlantic" and when Heeseung heard the instrumental, he blushed. This was the song that was playing that time when he confessed his feelings for Jake. They were at Jake's house before his birthday, and since then Jake kept mocking him because he always got shy after hearing the song. He bit his lip and looked at Jake with an embarrassed gaze, smiling.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" Jake said giving him a death stare, "Do you want some?" taking another sip and he handed him the cup and suddenly Hee grabbed it and put it on the table next to them making Jake confused, "No?",  but Heeseung could not resist it anymore and got closer to him as long as you'd blink from the spot he was sitting in and kissed the young man, "That's how I want it". Jake was stunned, but when Heeseung wanted to move away, he grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and continued the full of passion kiss and Heeseung let himself feeling it and was lost into his feelings, letting Jake win over him and after a while he pushed Jake onto the couch, now lying down, and continued to kiss him, Jake not getting back a second, holding his face, but then Heeseung got on top of him and with the song still being on the background, he took off his shirt and leaned towards Jake to kiss him again. 

Jake got the blankets off him and pushed the other, repeating the same movement, grabbing him by the neck, kissing his neck and biting it.

"If you start it now, you won't be able to stop it later" Heeseung said, to which Jake replied, "Let's see who will want to stop it later", whispering it into his ear, licking the other's neck. Hee closed his eyes raising his head and moved his mouth to Jake's, pulling the sheets over their bodies which were now very close to each other. Heeseung's hands were all over the place, but the time passed faster than he could have imagined. When things were about to get interesting, his phone started ringing.  They both looked that way "Jakey's mom<3"  and quickly got up.

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