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During the early hours of the morning, I had this daily routine on checking up on my daughter in her bedroom. It was just instinct.

No problems on it since it was always our little routine ever since she was a kid. These days she never tell me anything.

Is this how it's like to be a parent and your children are growing?

She's here during her break from college. It's nice to have my daughter back home with me. I did miss her a lot. I went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the day and realize that one of the knives were gone. I thought of it as odd but didn't think much of it.

Thought I misplaced it somewhere and continued to prepare breakfast. The sun started to come out and I cleaned up my hands and walked towards her room. A bit excited since I haven't done it in a while, I missed those times where she was a kid.

Where it felt more simpler. I turned the knob to her room and opened the door.

Her body was there, lifeless and impaled, with the same knife that was missing from the kitchen. My legs weakened and I fell to the ground. Surrounded by the pool of blood, it didn't scare me as I crawled towards my daughter and cried out her name.

I held her in my arms, screaming and crying. What am I supposed to do? Where did I go wrong?

Her blood dying my clothes and my hands.

My baby girl did not deserve this. My baby girl did not deserve this.

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