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I changed my clothes and went to bed
I looked at my phone and he sent me a message
jk In the chat :Are you asleep؟
y/n send a masege:I'm sleeping🥱
jk:sweet dream good night😄
y/n:good night🥱
I woke up and prepared myself went to college
I went into the classroom and greeted the students
Suddenly the manager came in and had a student with him
manager:good morning students today i am gonna talk about they new student

tae:hello im very happy to being there
my name is tae
(He looked at y/n very badly😈)
(Jk and I were shocked)
manager:You can sit next to yuna
tae:ok thank you
tae:can i sit down?pretty girl
yuna:of course you can
tae:thank you
(jimin was a little worried)
(Time to rest)
tae:i want to go to cafe do you want to come with me?
pov jk
I saw him go to a cafe with yuna
jk:Hold on
tae:What do you want?
jk:If you're going to do something i will kill you
tae:Stay away from me(he is gone)
yuna:Do you know him?
tae:That doesn't matter
yuna:ok sorry
Y/n pov.
I am walking then suddenly someone pushed me.it was jungkook i am bully and pushed him back
jk:you are so cute
after all that i am got into the room and then when i got on my seat i feel someone
staring at me it was jungkook
.........(lesson time)
When class started Our teacher said that you have a project that needs to be passed at monday
my partner is jungkook
jungkook looked at me and smirked
y/n just rolled her eyes but she is blushing
(after class he said)
jk:y/n let's do our project at my house im gonna send you my adress .be there at 5pm
Y/n:okay bye
(i walked home)
I went home and got a little rest
Its already 4:55pm so i got ready and i left the house
when i got there his house is so big
I've come to his house before but I didn't see it very well
i rang the doorbell and i saw jungkooks maid
jungkooks maid:hello welcome to here
y/n:where is jungkook?
(The maid led me the way)
When i got into his bedroom
y/n:thank you
jungkooks maid:no problem
(The maid is gone)
I didnt see jungkook at his room i am just waited
i saw a door opened and it was jungkook
he just got out of the bathroom he's hair is wet and he dont have a shirt .he has a towel down
i blushed so hard
y/n:uhm jungkook?🙈
he still didnt realized.....
jk:what?(when he looked at you)
jk:uhm!!can you please go outside?
Then i heard the door opened
jk:go inside
(a few miunite later)
We both still didnt do the project cause your both thinking of what to do
a few miunite again,you both are doing the project now,suddenly
jk:y/n you are so pretty.."
and i thought he was just teasing me
y/n:yeah.you are just joking i know it.
jk:no i am being serious
y/n:then proove it...
jk:i dont know how to proove you that you are pretty but i think this will proove you""
(he kissed y/n on the cheeks )
i kissed him back on the cheeks
He kissed y/n again on the lips and for a few seconds he let go and y/n kissed him back. He kissed y/n again.
Jungkook slowly pinned y/n at the couch/sofa... Then the maid came in and just looked at y/n and jk We both confused
We both stopped kissing
Jungkook:please don't come in without knocking
Then the maid gets away to give we both space
We both made out again for 1 minute.
Y/n broke the kiss and gasped for air,jk confessed to y/n his feelings, y/n confessed his feelings too
Jungkook:so are we together now?
Y/n:of course
Jk kissed y/n after the kiss he hugs y/n
Jk:I love you so much y/n
Y/n:I love you too jungkook
Jk asked if you could sleep at his house and you agreed
After that we both focused on the project
When we both are doing the project jk is always flirting at y/n, y/n just ignored him and focused on the project
We are done at the project now.. And jk is sleeping cause y/n did the project(he helped y/n too but he got tired )
Y/n:jungkook.... Jungkook
Jungkook:aa what is happening
Y/n:You've fallen asleep
Jk:aa sorry i'm so tired
y/n:me too
jk:Are we going to sleep together?
y/n:Don't even think about it😐
jk:please please....🤗
y/n:Okay، but stay a little away from me
(Yuna pov)
tae asked me to go to his house to do the project together And I agreed
(in his house)

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