Chapter 9

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This chapter, once again, is dedicated to cramberryapple24 for commenting all over my story and making me feel great! I always look forward to reading your comments:) since I've dedicated a chapter to her twice, this chapter will have a bit of her character 'Asha' in it.

Zara's Pov

"Okay," Carrie's voice came through the strange feeling earpiece, blasting straight into my eardrum. "Operation Prejudice change ready to commence."

"Roger that," I said, excitement rushing through my body. "Good luck Carrie,"

"Yeah because I'm really gonna die here in the Room of Requirement." I sighed.

"You know what I mean," I said impatiently. "You said that we had to act like we would in the real thing." I could practically hear Carrie rolling her eyes.

"Whatever." I smiled triumphantly, knowing that I had won. I watched Carrie sit on the pavement in her butterfly form. Safe under the Invisibility Cloak, I grinned as Asha - Carrie's unlikely friend and my cousin once removed approached the post box entrance and Carrie flew onto her shoulder, unnoticed.

The scenery changed to the inside of the ministry as Carrie flew through the air, looking around for the Department of Mysteries. Once she arrived there, she went towards a box of plastic Time Turners and picked one up, dropping it smoothly into the Invisible bag. She then journeyed back to the entrance where I waited, and slipped the fake Time Turner round my neck.

"Perfect," Carrie said happily. "We're all ready for Sunday evening."

"Yay!" Asha cried delightedly. "Is the Polyjuice potion ready?"

I nodded. Asha was going in disguise as a ministry worker and was Carrie's ticket to inside the Ministry.

"Hey Asha," I said curiously, "Not being rude or anything, but how come you are friends with Carrie?"

"Easy," Asha replied happily. "I heard her fantasising about you and Ryder and well, since shipping is my life, and I ready shipped you guys already, I had to join in. Carrie and I get on surprisingly well, and besides, I have lots of friends from other houses: There's Zoe, Brianna and Andrew from Ravenclaw, Katy, Chloe, Leo and Fred from Gryffindor and Carrie and Nathan from Slytherin."

At the mention of Nathan, who was a guy in the year below us with Asha, Carrie smirked at me and I had a feeling that I wasn't the only one that she shipped with someone. Asha seemed to notice and scowled.

"For the last time Carrie, we're only friends! If that! He doesn't like me, and I don't like him! And that's final!" Asha said, attempting to be angry but falling as she began to laugh.

"If you say so, Asha," Carrie said cheekily. "Anyway, let's practise this one more time before we go to lunch."


Salazar's pov

The man lay curled in a ball, trembling. "Please don't hurt me," he whimpered pathetically. I laughed coldly.

"Where is the the key?"

"N-no," He stuttered tearfully. "I can't- it would-"

"CRUCIO!" I yelled, madly cackling as he screamed in tortured pain. "All you have to do," I said softly, "is tell me where the key is. Then it will all be over."

"You - psychotic -"

"What was that?" I asked, raising my wand. "More pain?"

"NO!" He cried. "The key - resides - ministry safe!"

"And where might this ministry safe be?"

"Need - key - direct you - just ask it," he whimpered in between terrified pants.

"Wonderful," I said as my wife, Alyssa walked in. She smiled.

"I presume our prisoner finally spoke?" She said smoothly. I slid an arm around her waist.

"Yes, he's given us all we need."

"Well, since he's been a good boy, he deserves a little treat," Alyssa said silkily. The man's face brightened and I looked at my wife, confused. "This man is in a lot of pain Salazar, and he deserves to be put out of his misery." I smiled, catching on.

"Of course," I said sleekly.

"NO!" The man cried. "PLEASE! I have a wife and two kids, and-"

"Avada Kedevra," Alyssa said in almost a bored fashion.

"And that," I said kissing her on the cheek, "Is why you're my wife." Alyssa smirked.

"The Polyjuice and fake identity cards are ready, and Carrie and her blood-traitor friend have fallen right into our trap," Alyssa said happily. "We're completely ready for Sunday."

"Excellent," I said, picking up a portrait of Carrie and stroking it gently. "Oh you poor, mislead fool. You have no idea what's coming to you."

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