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A/N: I know I said I was gonna do two epilogues, but I rendered one of them unessacery. So this is it; the final instalment...

Epilogue: (based off the epilogues from the CHERUB series)

PROFESSOR ANNE-MARIE COHEAD left Hogwarts a year after Zara's death to pursue her dream of becoming an auror. After a year of training and taking the exam twice (during the first time, someone made fun of Hufflepuffs and so she had to deal with them), she achieved this, and is now considered one of the most skilled in Britain.

Next year, she plans return to her former occupation as a teacher and fly to New Zealand to educate a group of young witches and wizards in Defense Against the Dark Arts for two years.

PROFESSOR MINERVA MCGONAGALL stepped down from the position of Headmistress after Zara's funeral and was replaced by PROFESSOR HERMIONE GRANGER. Professor Granger is highly esteemed in her role and has been highly successful in banishing prejudice from Hogwarts.

ARUNA MALFOY became a skilled Healer, and married DYLAN O'BRIEN. Her brother, TOM MALFOY, joined Puddlemere United as soon as he left Hogwarts. The remains of Malfoy Manor were turned into a memorial for Runa and Tom's parents, ROSE MALFOY and SCORPIUS MALFOY.

NADJA WEASLEY became head girl of Hogwarts and worked wonderfully with head boy TY RANGI. In fact, they got on so well, they married 2 years later. NadJa and her sister GRACE WEASLEY worked at their grandfather's business, Weasley Wizard Wheezes after they left school, before NadJa became a therapist and Grace became Minister of Magic at age 30.

ZENOBIA POTTER followed in her Grandmother's footsteps, as she joined the Holyhead Harpies a few years after leaving school, while her sister ASHA POTTER ended up marrying DAMON SALVADOR and later travelled around Britain as a muggle entertainer, "Because why not?" Asha and Zenobia's younger brother, RUBEUS POTTER, who is currently in his fifth year at Hogwarts, followed in Zara's footsteps by becoming the second Potter in Slytherin. He was delighted.

ZOE WEASLEY married KIP DYNAMITE soon after leaving Hogwarts, and went on to become a world-renowned wizarding author. Her sister, LUNA WEASLEY, worked in the League of Defence for the Ministry of Magic, where she met PETER MAXIMOFF who she eventually married.

REMUS POTTER proposed to his girlfriend SCARLET EBONY a month after Zara's death, and they were married early the next year. On the evening of their wedding, all of the able guests conjured their patronus, as a tribute to Zara.

Remus and Scarlet are currently expecting their second child - their first was a girl named Zara. Remus and his cousin SIRIUS WEASLEY went on to own Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, while Scarlet became a reporter for The Daily Prophet.

XOCHITAL POTTER restarted martial arts. While she had always planned to teach Ancient Runes at Hogwarts, a job in teaching basic defence to ministry workers came up and she hastily accepted. She still plans to teach one day, however.

Xochital married her fellow Hogwarts prefect LYSANDER CLEARWATER. They have no children as of yet, but plan to one day.

BRIANNA POTTER is currently in her sixth year of Hogwarts, and is a prefect of Ravenclaw house. She plans to teach Care of Magical Creatures when she leaves school.

NIKKI POTTER, along with Remus and Xochital, throughly grieved ALBUS POTTER and ZARA POTTER, however she met PAUL MORRIS several years later, who she has now been in a relationship with for the past 3 years. Paul is planning to propose to Nikki in a few weeks.

In her later years, Nikki quit her job and instead taught Transfiguration at Hogwarts.

RYDER married and found a job he loved. He missed his 4th year girlfriend, but was overall fairly happy. (I don't have the rights to this character - to read more about him, see BasileGuichard 's book, '4 kids, 4 houses.')

ALYSSA LESTRANGE and SALAZAR LESTRANGE were imprisoned in Azkaban and were sentenced to a Dementor's Kiss two weeks after Zara's death. Despite how they had treated her, CARRIE LESTRANGE couldn't bear for her parents to be sentenced to this fate, and so she snuck into their prison and wiped their memories. Alyssa and Salazar currently live in St Mungo's, happy and harmless. Carrie visits them weekly, and they are always delighted but confused to see her.

CARRIE LESTRANGE was in a on-off relationship with RAY CARROW during her Hogwarts years, and married him when she was 20. They are expecting their first child next year, which Carrie is pretty nervous about.

Carrie now teaches Defense Against The Dark Arts at Hogwarts, which she is wonderful at. Carrie and Ray also started a care program for any Hogwarts students who don't want to go home for the holidays. They use The Lestrange Mansion to house them all (after closing off the dungeons). The business is still going strong today.

Ray now works in the psychology unit of St Mungo's, helping children who, like him and Carrie, have had a hard upbringing.

ZARA STORM POTTER was sorely missed by many, especially by her family and Carrie. She left an outstanding legacy and was responsible for the death of house prejudice. She gave the Slytherins something great to be proud of.

Zara Storm Potter was a huge inspiration, and a globally famous witch.

Zara Storm Potter had always been brave. She'd just never had to be brave before.

Zara Storm Potter was a Slytherin, through and through.

And she was proud of that fact.

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