I Will Always Love You (A One Direction Louis Tomlinson Fanfic)

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*Anna's POV*

"Mom , I'm going the park." I said. "Be careful honey. Take this pepper spray with you in case someone tries to hurt you." she replied as she handed me the pepper spray. My mom is so over protective it all started when my dad died 3 years ago because of heart attack and she changed over the past few years. She promised to never lose Amanda, my little sister, and me. "You better not find a boyfriend." Amanda teased. Why would I have a boyfriend ? I don't even have friends. I only had friends when I was in grade school but they all moved abroad."At least I'm not an 8 year old girl who watches teen love stories and is obsessed with many of boy bands." I teased back. Yep , she acts like a teen and I have to admit she acts more mature than me. But instead of her pulling my hair , she just stuck her tongue out.

I was wearing ripped jeans, white shirt with flowers as a design and my red converse. It goes perfect with the park. I got my laptop and shoved it inside my bag. "Bye Guys. I'll be back in a hour." I told them and closed the door.

I took a deep breath of the fresh air. But everything looks so blurry, I took out my glasses and wore them. Yes, I wear glasses and have no friends. Problem ? "I Love You Nature." I said to myself and I continued to walk. There are so many plants and flowers in our neighborhood and the beautiful houses that looks like a .... OUCH ! Damn. I fell to the ground and hit my butt and head. Ouch that hurts. I rubbed my back and someone gave me a hand. "Sorry love, didn't see you there and you didn't seem to notice me too." he apologized in a British voice. Huh. A British guy in America ?

"It's okay I just got a little bruise. It was my fault too." I said still looking at the ground and rubbing my back.

"Did I hurt your face or anything?" he asked as he held my chin up high causing us to see each others faces. We just stared at each others eyes. I swore those green/blue eyes just sparkled. Is it green or blue ? Huh , I feel a little dizzy. I fell down and everything went black.


All I heard was beep beep beep. Am I in a hospital ? Why wouldn't I ? I bumped in to a stranger and hit my head in the ground. Ugh I feel numb.

"Will she be okay doctor ?" A familiar voice asked very worried. Wait, it's my mom.

"She'll be okay she just needs some rest." The doctor said. Yeah, I really need some rest. I'll take a few minutes of nap.?


Now I heard screaming girls outside the hospital. They're excited for me to die. What the heck !!! I didn't know people wanted me to die.

"Does she have food ?" One british or irish guy asked.

"Does she have hair products? My hair is getting all messed up." Another british guy asked.

"Does she have a cat ?" asked another British guy.

"Guys give her a rest. Louis is talking to her mom and paying for the hospital fees." One british guy said. Who is Louis? He's paying ? Who are these British people ?

I opened my eyes. "Shhh, she's awake." one of them said. What time is it ? I glanced at the clock and saw it was 9:30 pm. I also saw 4 guys surrounding my bed.

"Hi my name is Niall." Said the blonde one.

"Hi my name is Zayn." Said the guy with the nice hair.

"Hi my name is Harry." said the curly one.

"Hi my name is Liam. We're friends with Louis, the guy who bumped in to you." said the guy with shaved hair.

"Hi I'm Anna. Why are they're screaming girls outside the hospital ?" I asked.

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