Enrollment Part 2

238 9 0

"Text": conversation
'Text' : Thoughts
Text : Timeskip
Text : Author's note

"That's enough. Right Mari? Tatsuya-kun, it really was just a demonstration, wasn't it?" Mayumi asked. "Of course, students teaching each other is allowed, but there are detailed restrictions when using magic. You should refrain from self-studying things that involve studying magic."
"Per the President's request, I'm willing to overlook the details this time. Make sure something like this doesn't happen again!" Mari said as they all bowed. "What is your name?" She asked as she was just about to leave.

"Tatsuya Shiba from 1-E."

"I'll keep my eye on you." She said before leaving with Mayumi.

"You better not be thinking that I owe you, all right?" Morisaki asked.

"I don't think that I have anything over you, so don't worry." Tatsuya said.

"My name is Shun Morisaki. I'm a member of the main Morisaki branch." He said pointing to Tatsuya. "Don't think for a second that I acknowledge you, Tatsuya Shiba. Ms. and Mrs. Shiba should be hanging with us." He said then walked away.

"So, you are addressing me like that from the get-go?" Tatsuya asked causing Shun to stop for a bit then he leaves with the other Course 1 students.

"Onii-sama, (Y/n)-chan, why don't we go home now?" Miyuki asked.

"Good idea." Tatsuya said.

"Um..." Honoka Mitsui said walking to the Shiba family with Shizuku Kitayama, "I'm Honoka Mitsui! I'm sorry for what just happened!" She said as she and Shizuku bowed "I know what Morisaki said, but it was thanks to you that the situation didn't escalate, Onii-san." She said.

"You're welcome." Tatsuya said, "but hey, don't call me Onii-san. We're both first years, after all." He said.

"All right!" Honoka said. "So...um...uh..." She trailed off causing Tatsuya to turn his glare towards (Y/n) signaling her to step in.

"What is it?" (Y/n) asked.

"Would it be okay if I walked with you to the station." Honoka asked.

Later the group head to the train station together.

"Then...it's Tatsuya who is the one keeping your CAD's in working order, Miyuki, (Y/n)?" Honoka asked.

"Yes, because there is no better way to set my mind at ease than to have him do it. Same goes for (Y/n)." Miyuki said.

"I just make some minor adjustments, that's all." Tatsuya told them.

"Yes but you wouldn't be able to do that unless you had the knowledge to understand how the OS works, right?" Mizuki asked.

"Not to mention you need the skills to access the CAD's basic system." Leo said. "Pretty impressive." He added.

"Would you mind taking a look at mine, too, Tatsuya?" Erika asked.

"No, I'm not confident enough to modify such a unique CAD." Tatsuya said.

"You really are amazing aren't you, Tatsuya!" She said.

"In what way?" Tatsuya asked.

"The fact that you could tell that this was a CAD..." Erika said, holding her CAD rod which catch Leo's eyes then the group stop by a cafe.

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