Enrollment Part 7

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"Text": conversation
'Text': thoughts
Text : Timeskip
Text : Author's note

The car was ready as they drove off to the abandoned factory with of course an additional member.

"Shiba, this is your plan. You give the orders." Juumonji said as they were all crammed up in the car.

"Okay. Leo, you secure the escape path. Erika, you help Leo take care of anyone who tries to escape." Tatsuya said.

"Is it okay if we don't catch them?" She asked.

"Don't take unnecessary risks. Taking them out is safest. Group Leader, you'll go to the back door with Kirihara-senpai. The three of us will break in through the front." Tatsuya said.

"You can rely on us." Juumonji said. "It's over there." He said as the factory become visible through the trees.

"Now, Leo!" Tatsuya commanded.

"Panzer!" Leo activated his spell.

With his abilities, he reinforced the car as they approached the gate and broke it.


The trio walked through the dilapidated factory and it seemed to be empty. Tatsuya closes his eyes and from his senses, he found the Blanche members waiting for them with guns.

"Let's go." He said as they walked towards the door and ealked into the dark room. The window burst wide open temporarily blinding them.

"Welcome! Nice to meet you, Shiba Tatsuya-kun. And I believe those lovely princess is Miyuki-kun and queen is (Y/n)-kun." A man who stood in front of them said.

Tatsuya stood protectively in front of the girls.

"Are you the leader of Blanche?" Tatsuya asked.

"Forgive my rudeness. I'm the leader of the Japan branch of Blanche, Hajime Tsukasa." The man, now named Hajime Tsukasa, said.

"I see." Tatsuya said as he took out his CAD, "I advise you to surrender. Everyone throw out your weapons and put your hands behind your head." He said but Hajime laughed, finding it amusing.

"If you think magic is the only weapon out there, you are gravely mistaken." Hajime said and raised his hand as the armed men readied to fire.

"Shiba Tatsuya. Join us. Your cast jamming which doesn't rely on antinite... it's a skill I'm extremely interested in." He said.

"Is that why you have Mibu-senpai approach me and have your little brother attack me?" Tatsuya said.

"I like smart kids. But for you to nonchalantly come here even when you know so much... you're just a kid!" Hajime said as he took off his glasses and threw them into the air.

"Shiba Tatsuya, become one of us!" He commanded ad he swept his bangs from his eye and magic radiated from his eyes hypnotically towards him and when he saw him slumped up he smirked.

"Consciousness Interference-type Non-Systematic Magic, Evil Eye, is what it's called, but how it actually works... it's a light wave oscillation spell that is projected onto the opponent's retinas by blinking a light signal in a hypnotic pattern. It's just a hypnotism technique." Tatsuya explained causing Hajime to freeze in shock.

MKNR: Tatsuya x Reader [Discontinued]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt