Chapter Two : Only On Me

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       Getting things prepared for the new school year felt draining but Megumi didn't utter a single complaint knowing just how hard his sister was working to make him feel at ease and make sure he has everything he'll need. They both were exhausted but neither of them mentioned it. Tsumiki felt disappointed she had work so early in the morning when Megumi is to return to school, she had hoped to be able to take him. Megumi had expressed that she was overthinking and it wasn't a big deal but his sister still felt hesitant.

    Megumi deserves to have someone visibly show they care, she is doing her best to make sure he knows that he hasn't been discarded amongst the mess in the family.

      "Smoking so early in the morning?" Yuuta Okkotsu grins as he leans against the school fence, dark blue eyes soft as he looks at Megumi who responds with a slight shrug, inhaling the toxins. "Are you really living with your sister now?"

     Megumi holds the cigarette between his pointer and middle finger, sighing deeply. "Looks like it. It's... going to be weird, going to take some getting used to but it's probably the best thing right now for all of us." He brings the cigarette to his light pink lips, inhaling more smoke, "Tsumiki isn't difficult, at least." He adds before releasing the smoke in his lungs.

      "Oh! There you are! Meg!" A familiar voice calls, interrupting the two boys. Kirara Hoshi comes their way, his eyes focused solely on Megumi and not even acknowledging Yuuta's presence.

     "Good morning, Kirara. Where's Hakari?" Megumi questions, handing the male the cigarette when he holds out his slender hand. Kirara takes a puff, eyes raking over Megumi's form. Kirara is an Alpha, despite his femininity. In fact, it's what makes Kirara disliked the most because many think Kirara's secondary gender is wasted on him but Megumi couldn't care less about the opinion of others and Kirara's boyfriend, Kinji Hakari who is also an Alpha, couldn't give two shits. The old way of thinking that Alphas have to be masculine is idiotic and promotes toxic masculinity, in Megumi's opinion.

     "He's talking to some freshman punks. There's a party tomorrow, you should come." Kirara's lustful gaze is one he doesn't care to hide, not one bit. Megumi doesn't comment on it because Kirara and Hakari both have that in common, a look that tells they would love to devour him alive together. They are a strange pair, perfect for each other.

     "You came all this way just for that? You could've texted." Megumi watches as Kirara steps closer, placing his hand on Megumi's chest. A grin spreads across his face while his other hand gives the cigarette back to Fushiguro, his fingers brushing against Megumi's lips as Megumi lightly bites the cigarette.

      "I could've." Kirara trails his hand down Megumi's chest, hovering over the button on his pants before Kirara smiles innocently, raising both his hands. "See you there, Meg."

"Looks like we have somewhere to go tomorrow, Yuuta." Megumi takes another puff before dropping the cigarette and crushing it under his shoe. The bell rings, signaling that it's time to head to class. "I'm off, see you later." Megumi gives a slight wave as he makes his way to the school buildings.

Yuuta looks at the crushed cigarette, eyes darting around to find no one in sight. He picks it up, placing it into his pocket. "That filth tainted it." Yuuta murmurs under his breath in vexation but he won't miss out on having something that was Megumi's, something that his lips touched. He places it into his school bag carefully, barely managing to suppress the urge to tear Kirara's throat out.

"Unworthy...he's unworthy to touch Megumi." Yuuta mutters under his breath, clenching his jaw firmly as he opens and closes his fist repeatedly, reminding himself to be calm. Causing a scene would only upset Megumi and Yuuta doesn't want to do that. He makes his way to class, all his thoughts jumbling together and the outside world without Megumi's presence is just a blur without color.

Yuuta met Megumi when they were elementary school. Yuuta was much smaller than others at the time, timid and often pushed around by the bigger children. He remembers it like it was yesterday, cherishes the memory deep within his heart. Megumi had protected and defended Yuuta when he was being beaten up by the bullies. Yuuta had never seen Megumi get angry before, the younger boy carried a gentle aura around him which drew others to him naturally. So to see Megumi, a boy not even in his class due to their year difference, kick down one of the bullies and shout at the others about how pathetic they were to gang up against one, it makes Yuuta chuckle every time.

That's who Megumi is. He prefers to keep to himself but he won't allow people to get away with picking on the weaker if he sees it. He can't help but intervene. Yuuta fell in love with that part of Megumi but it also puts Megumi, an omega, into a lot of dangerous situations. Yuuta admires Megumi's strength but he worries endlessly over Megumi's inability to care for himself.

If Megumi could rely on Yuuta... that'd be preferred. In fact, if Megumi didn't pay attention to anyone other than Yuuta... Yuuta wouldn't have to worry anymore. It's almost cruel of Megumi to continue to have Okkotsu agonize over him but Yuuta even loves that part of him. There is no part of Megumi that Okkotsu could ever dislike.

Still, why does Megumi even entertain Kirara and Hakari even while knowing their intentions with him are impure? The only thing those finks want are to defile Megumi's precious body, Yuuta doesn't care for either of them one bit. Megumi is too naive at times, he shouldn't be so obliging to scum like that. This is why Megumi needs to be protected, it's why Yuuta knows he is needed to ensure Megumi's safety.

He should get rid of them. They aren't good people, they aren't worthy to be around Megumi, they're bad influences and... and... Megumi could be hurt by them. Tainted. Exploited.

"Okkotsu~ your head is in the clouds." Rika is turned around in her seat, looking at Yuuta with a knowing grin on her face, her eyes slightly squinted. "Ah~ let me guess, a certain somebody is on your mind but... hm, you don't look too happy, Okkotsu, what happened?"

Yuuta's hardened expression mellows, a small smile forming on his face. "What do you mean, Orimoto? I'm just tired, I didn't get much sleep last night. I was watching the latest of that new zombie anime you recommended last night, it's really interesting so far, I can't wait for more episodes." His voice is gentle and friendly, you couldn't even tell that moments ago he was considering committing voluntary manslaughter.

"Heh. Right, well, I'm glad you liked it, Okkotsu." She tucks a strand of her long dark hair behind her ear. Rika Orimoto is a difficult case for Yuuta to figure out. She clearly has romantic feelings towards Yuuta, that much he is capable of deducing. But, she seems to have figured out that Yuuta feels that way towards Megumi.

Usually, that would make her a threat if she decided to run her mouth to Megumi but for whatever reason, it's as if she decided that if Yuuta loves Megumi, then she sees the worth in him too and loves Megumi... because Yuuta does. It's a strange thought process but it's the only answer that Yuuta can come up with after paying attention to the clues.

Whether she knows or not that he is keeping up a facade as well as behaving as if he has no clue of her romantic affections, she hasn't verbalized it. If she is smart, she won't say a thing. If Yuuta gets the feeling she might blab and cause more problems then she is worth, he might just have to remove her entirely to avoid more issues because one stupid girl couldn't keep her mouth shut. He has his eye on her, prepared to take drastic measures if necessary.

The second bell rings and their teacher enters the classroom. "Let's talk more during break about the show." Rika whispers before turning back to face forward in her seat.

What an obnoxious girl, Yuuta thinks briefly before his thoughts drift back to Megumi and how appetizing he appeared today.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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