Guardian Angel

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On an unusually cloudy afternoon, as I strolled along the bustling streets with thoughts clouded by despair, I found myself standing at an intersection. Lost in my world of gloominess and self-doubt, I didn't notice the approaching speeding bike towards me.

Unbeknownst to everyone around me, earlier those days had been particularly rough for me. My mind was getting consumed by dark thoughts of suicide; feelings that seemed insurmountable and overwhelming. At that moment at the intersection, something inside whispered to me - surrendering might offer solace from my pain.

As if fate itself intervened against these tragic musings, something remarkable happened just before disaster struck. Out of nowhere appeared Yamamoto-kun, my long-time crush. Time stood still as he swiftly moved towards me like an angel descending from heaven.

Without hesitation or thought for my safety, he pushed me away from imminent danger while simultaneously wrapping his arms around them tightly. The collision between Yamamoto-kun's tender embrace and gravity took both friends tumbling onto the pavement nearby.

Amidst all this chaos lay two souls intertwined: one fighting desperately against existence's cruelty while another became their beacon of hope – even when they were unaware it was so deeply needed. Gasping for breath after such harrowing events unfolded before them both; neither could speak initially.

In those few moments lying on cold concrete amidst strangers' worried faces surrounding them—I felt something changing within myself—a glimmer of light piercing through impenetrable darkness deep within their core. The warmth emanating from Yamamoto-kun's touch ignited sparks within every recess where despair once resided.

Yamamoto-kun finally broke the silence tenderly whispering, "Shibata-chan, you matter. You are not alone in this fight." His voice quivered with genuine concern and unwavering determination.

Touched by Yamamoto's words and his selfless act of saving me from an untimely accident, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose. At that moment, I realized that my life was worth fighting for - if only to experience more moments of connection like the one they shared now.

As days turned into weeks and weeks melded into months, I found solace in opening up to him about my struggles.

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