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Hello  Fam :)

In case, you have missed, there is a double update, chapters 32 and 33. 

Happy Reading...

Sirius and James were sitting at the backside of the castle waiting for Regulus. The boy pushed a paper into Sirius's hand during one of the encounters earlier in the day asking him to meet in their usual place. James just accompanied Sirius to meet him. It was almost ten minutes later when Regulus came walking towards them.

"Sorry, I was held up by Barty and Evan", he said and flopped down beside Sirius.

James ruffled his hair. "Is everything okay with you? You look tired."

Regulus shrugged. "I am fine. Just wanted to inform you that Mother asked me to come home for Easter."

"But you never go home for Easter", said Sirius, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"I know. But she didn't give any explanation. Just that she wanted me home during the holidays."

"Typical old Mother", muttered Sirius.

James bumped his shoulders before turning to Regulus. "Reg, you did a good job staying safe there during summer. So, unlike Sirius, I trust you to take care of yourself. But if you think it feels it's too much, just stay quiet, pack your essentials, come out of Grimmauld's premises, and call for Misty. I will talk to her and she would answer you, okay? Get back to Potter Manor. If you could handle a few days, pack your essentials, and then come back to Hogwarts without giving anything away, okay? I would talk to my parents and you don't have to go back there again."

Regulus rolled his eyes. "I am fine, James. You are being paranoid unnecessarily."

James huffed. "This guy was barely alive when he ended up at my doorstep last summer", he said pointing at Sirius. "So, yeah, I am paranoid but I have a reason too. You are only going back there because you are in Slytherin and you know how to keep quiet instead of running your mouth."

Regulus glared at him but otherwise didn't say anything. James glared right back for half a minute before pulling the boy into his arms.

"Come on. If you are going home, don't go on a bad note. Who knows you would stop talking to us for another five years."

Sirius was damn sure Regulus pinched him. While leaving Sirius pulled the boy into a last hug. "Take care, yeah? Remember I love you so much."

Regulus didn't reply because he was a pureblood snob but he also didn't deny until James joined the hug.

"I love you too", said James, obnoxiously.

Regulus freed himself from their grip. "I hate you so much", he declared before leaving towards the castle.

"I am telling you. He has strange ways of expressing his love", said James.

Sirius shrugged. "We are Blacks. We are a little mad."

"I think a little is underestimating your family."

Sirius grinned as he followed the boy towards the castle.


James twirled his wand between his fingers. "Sirius, what's your Hogsmeade's plan?"

Sirius eyed him warily. He and Marlene had decided to go on a stroll since half of the castle went home for the Easter holidays and hence, less likely for people to question them. Not that anyone would question them. People are used to them being together but being in a relationship, defining it into a name, scared him out of his wits. But a part of him was also excited to see where this goes, a part that is adventurous and would go strolling around the forbidden forest with a certain werewolf. "Nothing much. What's up?"

"Nothing much. I saw Marlene earlier and she said she can't wait to go to Hogsmeade. After last time's fiasco, I thought, she wouldn't step into Hogsmeade anytime soon. Unless you apologized or something?", said James.

Sirius masked his features before abandoning whatever he was doing. "I don't know what you are talking about. Also, I think I need to meet Evans before going out."

"Yeah?", said James. "Say hello to her from my side too."


James burst out laughing as soon as Sirius ran away from the room and Remus just joined in.

"He isn't as subtle as he thinks himself to be", said Remus, composing himself.

"Sirius is perfect but subtlety is not his strongest trait. Both of them are idiots really", said James.

"Do you think they have stopped being idiots and just accepted that they love each other?", asked Remus, throwing an apple towards Peter, who just came into the room after serving his detention.

James thought about it for a moment. Sirius was a lot calmer and he had seen a smile fleeting now and then on his face randomly. And it's definitely not one of his and glint, just a smile, short and reserved as if he is reminiscing some moment from earlier. James definitely thinks there's something going on. "Technically, I don't know anything because he didn't tell me anything." On the other hand, Sirius is his brother and he doesn't need to tell James anything. James was that good at reading Sirius.

"We could stalk him and Marlene and know what's going on?", suggested Peter.

James just laughed. "Or we could just mind our own business and wait till Sirius feels comfortable enough to talk to us himself."

"But we are marauders", said Peter.

James ruffled his hair. "I know, Pete. But sometimes there are things more important than momentary fun. And nothing is above Sirius's comfort. Whenever he is comfortable, I promise he would talk to us. How about we go and enjoy this weekend then? Mr. Moony, what do you think about a short trip to Zonko's and replenishing our stocks?"

"I think you have a brilliant idea there, Mr. Prongs", said Remus.


"Jay was this close to figuring it out. I could hear my heart coming out of my chest", said Sirius.

Marlene laughed, swinging their hands together. They were now at the Shrieking Shack. The students are never brave enough to walk on this side of the Hogsmeade because of all the ghost stories. Of course, there weren't any ghosts, just a werewolf and a couple of Animagi.

"Mars, what will we do if Jay figures us out?", said Sirius. He was afraid she would leave him or break things off with him.

Marlene shrugged in answer. "I wouldn't be surprised if he does. You share the same brain. But allow me to hex him if he follows me everywhere?"

"So, you wouldn't break up?"

"What? Are you-"

Before she could complete her sentence, they heard a couple of shrieks opposite to their direction. Sirius shared a glance with her before both of them ran in that direction.

A/N: I missed Regulus. :P

Also, James is good at figuring out Sirius. Remus is brilliant. We are leaving Peter out of it. :P

This chapter is the turning point in the story. I am planning something big. Guess what. ;)

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