Chapter 1: Lesson Goes Overboard

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       Without a glance from their phones, the people around him continue to go on with their everyday lives. Same as him looking at his own on the way to school. Dodging a duo who were cursing and slamming each other against the wall. Aron answered a call from his phone that has his friend's number.
"Hey dude, how's-"
"Don't "hey dude" me," His teacher answered. "Get your butt back here in class and for Pete's sake! Please stop skipping  classes."
"How do you know if I skipped classes when I came from the clinic and was told to go back home since I'm severely injured. Ask the nurse yourself."
"You mean the nurse that you paid for all your alibis?"
Aron swallowed hard."Uh... " "Look, I know classes are almost over, but I insist you to meet me in the classroom."
"What!? But it's the weekend tomorrow! I can't go home late,"
"Yet you can skip classes?" Aron paused for a while as his advisor sighed. "Please come. This doesn't include your studies nor requirements for my subject. You need nothing to bring with you but yourself. I just need to talk to you." He returned the phone to his student after swiping it from him and getting mad at him for disrupting the class.
As soon as he ended the call, Aron received a text from his teacher:
"Oh, and finish your ice cream." Aron looked back and forth at the screen and his ice cream.
"How did he-? Never mind."

"Aron." They stared at each other with the teacher leaning on his front desk. Aron stood from the chair in front of him. "Sir.!"
"Stop playing innocent."
"Fine, what do you want? Also can you make this quick? My phone's dying."
"Look." The teacher reached out his hand. "Now give it."
He held his phone away from him and close to his chest.
"Fine." Sir. Rolenz surrendered. "But keep it far away from you as much as possible." Aron moved it an inch away.
"Further," He placed it in another chair.
"Further." He placed it at the chair on the very end of the wall near the window with a grumpy look in his face.
"Better. Now we talk."
"About what?"
"About you, Aron."
"What about me?" Sir. Rolenz glared back. "No, I know. Sorry."
"Aron, you're smart. Don't pretend you don't care about your grades. You practically got 100 in both your oral and written exam. It's just that you tend to not do or be physically present in class. I know you're bored with the same old thing of waking up and going to school." He observes Aron silently listening."That's why I have a special task for you to make up for the whole semester."
"So we start next week?" "No, today." Aron was dumbfounded.
"I thought we only have classes on weekdays!? That's not fair!"
"You know what's not fair? Not going to classes like the others." He went out with Aron on his tail as he muttered.
"It's 2031 and this planet's people turned to microchips."
He raised Cole's phone highly. The boy tried to swipe it away. Yet failed.
"Which I will give back later."

Sir. Rolenz stacked a bunch of paper and carefully placed them back in the drawers. He then sent a message through his high tech computer to Aron's phone as it rang. An essay project document appeared.
"You said it had nothing to do with my studies-"
"Read it properly." His teacher placed his finger on his phone and pressed the docs and slid up. Which read: "What are the new generation's flaws?"
"It's a personal essay, Aron. It's more than numbers and history."
"It's still called an assignment. Or project, rather." Aron rolled his eyes. "Even if it's just based on opinions."
"You want the hard way? Fine. It's due on Monday."
"Are you kidding me right now?!"
"Aron, I-"
An explosion echoed through the hallways of the school. His teacher pushed him under the desk and covered his mouth. Giving a "silence" gesture. As multiple voices of men kept getting closer and closer. Aron felt the rush of tension rise on the hairs of his skin. Sir. Rolenz on the other hand grabbed a weapon under his drawer. Click! He readied his shotgun which was covered in silver metallic. He kicked the floor under him and it opened beneath them, both of them fell on the cold floor.
"I guess it's been a long time since I've been here." He fixed his back. "Clearly I'm not used to falling in style anymore."
Aron stood up with disbelief as his teacher gave him a hand.
"Is that a gun?"
"Yes, it is, as you can see." It clicked. "Fully loaded."
The teacher showed Aron and shoots at a corner.
"Wait, this whole time you're actually cool?!" Aron gleamed.
The teacher was dumbfounded. "Isn't there anything "else" you're surprised of? Like why there are random strangers attacking the school all of a sudden."
"Oh yeah... That too of course."
Now in a dimly lit room full of machinery, his teacher carefully lifted sheets to continue farther. Sparks flickered in the corner. Aron frankly stared at what seems to be a circular machine that reaches the roof.
"Yep, totally not weird that this school has a basement hiding a bunch of important, secretive inventions." Aron said in a sarcastic tone. And glared.
"Totally not weird at all... "
Gun noises and shouts erupted above.
"Step in and I'll get you ready." He gestured as he pulled the switch on.
"Wait, why me?!"
"Because I have no choice. This machine can't handle two people in it, and if I go alone, there's a high percent chance of you getting kidnapped or worse."
"But isn't it riskier if I go? What would I even do if I got transferred to an unknown place or something?"
"A voice will guide you," He took the headphones hanging from the side of the machine and gently placed them on his ears "It might hurt a bit though."
"Look, I don't know how many people are out there but if you get hurt then- "
Aron stayed silent as his name was called out sharply.
"No matter what, don't worry about me." He pushed him in and pulled the trigger. "You're too young for that."
Blue hues danced around him like ribbons. Before everything turned completely black, he watched as his teacher threw the phone back to him before waving goodbye.
"I'll get you a new one!"

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