Whoop that trick

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Erica pov

Kaye jumped her ass out of the hospital bed and started walking like a mad women. Well I guess she was mad.

"Where is she! Where is that bitch that touched my damn nieces!"

I stepped up. "I think she's downstairs. But I wanna get some more hits in because that wasn't enough hits for me to be satisfied."

"You are not going to beat up the receptionist. Again."

Aug says coming behind us. Somewhere behind us an elevator door opens.
"Oh yeah. Who's going to stop me?"
"Girl I will hold you by the hair."
"You do that and me and my niggas will beat your ass."
"You still not going."

I give Kaye a look.
"They are doing that creepy silent talk again." Chris says.

I nod.
"DIP!" Kaye screams!

Kaye and I take off running to the elevator that's about to close. August quickly run behind us but the door closes in his face.
"YAAAS! Time to go find that bitch and beat her ass!"
"Again." I add.

When we get to the first floor I see the receptionist sitting at her desk with a black eye and a ice pack on her cheek.
"I'm guessing that is her?"
"You guessed right."

Kaye walks over to the desk with a sweet smile on her face.

"Today is just LOVELY isn't it?" She says, putting emphasis on "lovely"
"Well, unless you are blind I think you can tell my day isn't LOVELY."
"Oh yes I see. May I ask what happened?"
"Two little bitches came up to my desk and started demanding shit."
"What exactly were they demanding, if you don't mind my asking?"
"To see their aunt but I was busy."
"Busy on what?"
The receptionist quirks a brow.
"My phone, why?"
"Because I'm their aunt and I heard that you put your hands on my nieces. You had my sister beat your ass. I'm about to beat your ass with one arm. All this because you weren't doing your job. You know we will press charges and you will go to prison."
"You can't press charges. You're not the guardian."
"I didn't say I would press charges. I said "we"
"Yeah because she could afford a lawyer." The receptionist scoffs.
"Lady you don't even know her. She's married to AUGUST ALSINA. She works as a solo artist. Plus she wouldn't need to pay a lawyer because i'll be her lawyer for free."

The receptionist gulps.

"Now that I've gotten all that out, which do you prefer? Left or right?"
"R-right. Why?"
"Good because that was the only one not injured."

Before the lady could even react, Kaye is over the desk and beating her with her right hand everywhere. An elevator dings and I know who it is before they even step out of it.

Or so I thought.

I turn around expecting August but I come face to face with the barrel of a gun.

Oh shit.

Yo yo yo it's ya girl Kaye. Ooh what's gon happen??!?
We got 1.8k reads?! 💯💯
Bish whet?
Yaaas! 👏🏾👏🏾
Tysm for reading this book it means alot to me and Denise. Especially Denise. That girl was twerking in happiness and shit.
And can I say this. Me and D are now 7th graders! 🎓🎓
// happily twerks//
Well thank you for reading and Enjoy!
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Please comment because some of you have me dead af 😂
Okay. Kaye is out ✌🏾️

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