Not finna change

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.Erica POV.
I'm really getting tired of Aug coming down on me like this. He keeps getting mad over nothing and he won't let me speak. "I'm running away from the truth" what truth?
That people keep doing things to my family and they don't expect me to do shit about it? That is not how Erica Blaze rolls and I'm not changing.
Instead of making Aug sleep on the sofa like I said I would I get up and go into my babies' room and lay in the middle of them. They instantly cuddle into my sides and I wrap my arms around the two. I love my babies.
I get around at like 7:00 AM and I see the girls packed up and ready to. I walk over to Erica and try to give her a kiss but she just moves away.
"Damn it Eri don't be like this!"
She sighs.
"Girls how bout you go play in the living room while mommy and daddy talk."
The girls rush off.
"You don't have to talk to them like that. They are not babies."
"They are MY babies. They still ARE babies. Last night those two babies had NIGHTMARES! You must've forgotten that they got kidnapped. KIDNAPPED for Christ's sake! They have been exposed to a lot of things that two 7 year olds should not see-"
Her voice cracks. I try to go over to her but she backs up.
"-and to top it all of, their father, my HUSBAND, doesn't come home that night. Leaving his wife worrying her pregnant ass off and his kids thinking that the guys who tried to take them and who shot their aunt, did something to their father. Do NOT tell me not to treat them like babies. They will be treated like babies until they can forget those horrible events and are able to play outside without bodyguards standing at their side, at every corner like the damned Secret Service."
Then she stomps off without letting me explain.
Hours Later...
Erica still not talking to me and we landed hours ago.
Suddenly Kaye crazy ass come downstairs and glares at me.
"What I do?"
Before I can say anything else that bitch Usain Bolts her ass in front of me and has her hands around her throat.
"Wtf did you do to my girl to make her be up their bawling her damn eyes out. You better hurry before Amera crazy ass get here cos she crazier than me and together we are worse than a whole mental asylum all added together."
Trey come over and pulls Kaye off of me.
"Nigga hurry up and speak. I see Amera rn. Better hurry before she get here."
"Too damn late."
Speak of the devil and SHE shall appear.
"Kaye what happened?"
"Go upstairs and look at your sister. Aug when I hear Amera come back DOWN the stairs I will give exactly 3.5 seconds to run. After that, well you'd better get nicely acquainted with Jesus cos you'll be seeing him REAL soon."
I nod.
I Hear Amera.
"1. 1.5. 2. 2.5-"
I sprint out of the house and look for somewhere to hide. I go into the car park. Where all the extra cars are parked. I hear a door slam and I know the two will be on my ass in seconds.
I close the side door and look around for a car to hide in. I pick a minivan with stuff in it. I quickly lock all the doors and hide under the seat. I'm to damn big for this shit.
This shit is scary mane. Like a horror movie.
Then bam out of nowhere I see a creepy ass face. Awl its just Kaye.
I keep quiet cos I know the windows tinted. I lean against the door more but it suddenly flies open and I fall out onto the ground. "I knew I saw yo light skinned ass up huddled on a corner. Get him."
Amera listens to Kaye and she starts beating on me. I pretend like it hurt so that she will keep doing it until she feel I've had enough but Kaye seen right through me and made Amera moved. Then Kaye started beating on me with her damn man hands. "Damn bitch you hit like a damn man!"
That cause her to hit me harder and Amera leave and come back with a belt. Hell naw. She gets in a few hits with that belt before my Savior arrives.
"Imma give y'all about 1.5 seconds to stop beating on my husband unless you want me to bring my pregnant ass over there and beat the shit outta you. Sisters or not. No one beats my husband...without me."
Erica the real OG. You know how I know. Cause them two crazy ass bitches immediately stopped what they was doing and bolted they ass outta there.
"Aye Ma you gone help me up?"
"Nah I don't think so. Get your own ass up. That's what I had to do this morning atleast. We back on this. I'm not even going to let you explain cos you didn't let me with the whole Popeyes situation."
Right now we walking into the house and I'm bout to put her ass in check cause she acting real petty.
"Nigga who tf you talking to? Cos it sure as hell ain't me." She say from the stairs, rolling her eyes.
"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there."
I hear gasps around the room. I look up at Erica and see her fighting back tears but I'm too pisssd to even care right now.
"F-fine. Speak." She says sitting down on the stairs. Erica don't ever stutter unless she's really scared or hurt. I really fucked up.
"We will sit hear and discuss this like adults."
"Right here? Don't wanna make a scene."
"We about to make a scene alright. We about to discuss how you been a bad influence on my kids and you not gon speak 'till I'm done 'ight."
"First thing is that attitude. That's definitely where Lon got her smart mouth from. Second is the cussing. My 7 year old daughters have enough swear words in their vocabulary to put a sailor to shame. Third is the fighting. You fight for everything. First you fight a receptionist at a hospital. Then you fight a boy at Popeyes. If that's not 3 reasons to know why you're a bad influence for my girls then I will gladly go on. You keep running from the truth.
"Are you done?"
"For right now yes."
Erica stands up.and walks over to the couch where the fam is listening. She put her feet on Trey lap and lay on Chris chest.
"Good cos I gotta lot to say to you and it will take away my energy and I might just fall so Imma just lay on my brothers. Now that whole little speech you just had you said "my" a whole damn lot."
"Stfu right now August. Both of my children are sleep and the only people around us are adults who say a lot more words in an hour than me in a day. So I really don't GAF rn."
"Okay then."
I put my hands up in surrender.
Erica POV
"As I was saying before, you said "my" a whole lot in that speech. For example: "my kids." Did you forget that we're married? Did you forget that those are my kids too? I'm a bad influence right. Tell me how again exactly."
I say pisssd off. First, he called me dumb, then, I am pregnant so my emotions are all over the place, thirdly there is just took much stress.
"You fought and did a lot of stuff in front of them. You also embarrassed us on the media. You don't listen-"
I cut him off.
"First of all, that woman put her HANDS on my children. Now if I hadn't done something Chris would've broke his promise to momma and hit that women plus I had to. She slapped the shit outta my kids. So I beat the shit outta her. Then that whole Popeyes thing? I was defending you! That little man child dissed you. Now you know you would've done the same thing especially if a man put his hands on OUR daughters or if he dogged me."
I say getting up and getting in his face. "I would for my kids but for you I wouldn't."
I flinch back as if he'd slapped me. "Well that hurt more than it should've. Hey you never did tell me. What is the truth exactly that I'm hiding from? Am I an unfit mother. Is that what the truth is? Cos I guess you're right then. But no matter how much bad I do I would NEVER hurt my kids. You of all people should know that. My kids come first. FIRST. Not second after some man, but first. I'll let you know a little something babe. You may think I'm a bad influence over my kids but remind me again, who killed someone in front of them? Oh that's right, you. As much as I do I know never to expose my kids to something as harsh as that. You wanna know something else babe? Mothers are very strong. Physically and Emotionally. When it comes to their child they will do whatever it takes to protect them. They also know how to hide their emotions as to not let their child see what is wrong. You know how I know I'm a good mother? Because right now you cannot see what I am feeling. But if you really want to know I feel numb. I feel cold. And you-"
I jab him in the chest.
"- can never make me warm again. You wanted a scene? I'll give you a seen. I'm. DONE."
I turn around and walk out of the house and make it safely into my car before the tears start. I beat my wheel in frustration before I take out all the tracked that HE put into ojt car which HE thinks I don't know about but I do.
I wipe my eyes and get ojt of the car. I walk back into the house and see everyone yelling at HIM. He looks up at me hopefully but I just move past him without giving him a glance.
He insulted me so many times the past few days and I will not stand for it. I walk upstairs and go into his room and grab my suitcase. I stop by my girls' rooms and give them each a little kiss on the forehead while they sleep peacefully. Then I walk back downstairs and ignore everybody but Kaye and Amera. I give them hugs then mg brothers before walking out of that house.
I head over to my house and pack some clothes before calling a cab to take me to the train station. My car can stay here. When the cab gets here I tell the guy where I'm headed and then lean back and relax.
It's time to go visit Mama Blaze.
Yo! Ya girl Kaye is back and I gave y'all this long ass chapter. Enjoy

My babydaddy (A. Alsina)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora