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Omniscient POV,

21st July 2021

"Jasmine I beg you hurry up you're making yourself late and mums going to blame me again", she hears her brother scream from the bottom of the stairs, today is the last day of school before summer finally starts and she's officially finished with it. Highschool will finally be over and she'll never have to wear that ugly uniform ever again.

She hears a knock on her door as she stuffs all her things into her bag for the last time , "Reiss I know and I'm nearly ready!" They open the door door and smile, "Hey Jasmine" she doesn't even have to turn around to know who's speaking behind her. Although she can't help but smile hearing his voice again, "Jadon why actually are you in my room?"

She turns around and looks up at him, with a smile on both of their faces. "I came to let you know you should have a good day" Jasmine rolls her eyes, "you know you shouldn't be in here, Reiss is gonna think there's something going on between us"

Jadon lets out a laugh, moving slightly closer to her, "you're telling me there isn't?" She rolls her eyes, "no Jadon there isn't something going on between us"

It's not like she has a crush on Jadon or anything, I mean she wouldn't, she couldn't. He's her brothers best friend and he's just weird and disgusting, shes known him all her life and they've practically grown up together. Sure maybe they have a few flirty conversations here and there but it's never going to be anything serious. He's older, he'd never see her like that, right?

She walks towards him leaving less than an inch between their faces, "JASMINE I SWEAR GET DOWNSTAIRS BEFORE I DRAG YOU OUT OF YOUR ROOM" she pauses, "we'll have to finish this one later" he bites his lip and lets his eyes follow as she walks out the door.

Jasmine pov,

"Girl I'm not even joking that man is inlove with you" I roll my eyes, "no he's not you're thinking way too deep into it Tatiana, he's my brothers best friend" Tatiana looks at me with a confused face, "what's your point?"

"Reiss would kill me and probably kill him too if he even saw us looking at eachother like that"

"As far as I'm aware you two were like two seconds away from kissing but keep lying to yourself" I ignore her, "Jadon doesn't see me like that girl" she scoffs, "if I were you I wouldn't care how he saw me, think about how you see him because that man is so fine, like a different level of fine"

"Tatiana you're sounding like you want him
instead" I walk towards my locker and open it, "okay well tonight there's a party we could go to" I pause for a minute, "who's party?"

"Okay so you know the guy I'm talking to?" I purse my lips and shake my head, "the one from Birmingham? ehh what's his name?"

"You're asking me? How am I supposed to know?" She smiles, "J-J-J" I look at her confused, "Jobe!" I still give her the same confused look, "the one with the fit brother? Jude? You guys need to hook up with eachother"

Teenage Fantasy•Jadon Sancho story Where stories live. Discover now