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~~The Next Day~~

It's close to noon. The birds are chirping. The sun is shining. There's only a few clouds in the sky. Everything is at peace. Except SMG4, who is sitting at the foot of his bed questioning everything that happened last night.

SMG4: "This doesn't make sense! How could I be a God Boxian..? I'm assuming that means I'm like connected to the God Box like Niles is, but I never even knew the God Box existed until I went to Omnia!"

  SMG4 falls back into his bed in despair. He could've never prepared for this. He may have gotten one answer, but now he's left with a million more questions. Suddenly, he remembers SMG6 and how she's still most likely in the closet. 4 could ask SMG6 for answers. After all, he did make that deal with her. But then again, her answer could once again just leave him with more questions. Hell, 6 might've ran away during the night. SMG4 lets out a heavy sigh and heads towards the closet door.

Knock knock

SMG4: "Hey... 6? You in there?"


SMG4: "Hello..?"

  SMG4 opens the door.

SMG6: "Leave me alone."

  SMG6 quietly mutters.

SMG4: "I'm... surprised you're still here."

  SMG4 crouches down to be eye level with 6, who is exactly where she was the night before with her knees to her chest.

SMG6: "Well your closet is a lot nicer than a cave. Plus, I'm on the run. If I go down then you're going down with me."
SMG4: "What do you mean 'you're on the run?' What are you running from?"

  SMG6 glares at 4.

SMG6: "You serious? I'm running from the empire! You know? The one you blew up a couple years back? The one you're also on the run from?"

  Oh. The God Box counts as an empire? So being God Boxian must mean you're from this empire...

SMG4: "Why would you be on the run from Niles and his 'empire?' Aren't you like their general or something? Don't they need you?"
SMG6: "I... uh..."

  SMG6 stumbles on her words. She'd hate to admit it, but she isn't needed anymore. She was more or less just a tool to get rid of 4, and now that she's failed that she's no longer needed. She's proven she's not worthy of that privilege. Not to mention how the "plan" was a disaster.

  SMG6 sighs.

SMG6: "Look... SMG0 and I planned to stage a little revolution, but-"

  SMG4 cuts 6 off. The fact that SMG0 fully planned on betraying Niles and destroying the fight simply baffles 4. Not to mention that SMG6 was in on it.
SMG6: "Not exactly. We planned on doing that for a... different execution."
SMG4: "And the plan was for you to get stabbed by a giant rock?"
SMG6: "Uh... no. That just kinda happened."
SMG4: "Well, where's SMG0? He wasn't with you when I found you."

  SMG6 lets out a sad sigh while remembering her friend.

SMG6: "That's the thing... I don't know. I woke up one morning and he was gone. All that I could find was his bandanna."
SMG4: "I see... What about you? How are you alive?"
SMG6: "It's called second life. It's really- Wait... Don't you have the Oracle Book?"
SMG4: "The... what..?"

  SMG4 clearly doesn't recall ever owning a book with a title like that.

SMG6: "Maybe Niles was right about you being an idiot..."
SMG4: "What? Hey!"

  SMG6 gets up and out of the closet.

SMG6: "Come on where is it? I know you have it here somewhere..."

  SMG4 follows 6 as she searches for this "Oracle Book."

  SMG6 turns towards 4's desk.

SMG6: "There it is! You know you should be treating this with a lot more respect! It's a sacred object after all! It deserves to be stored better than just sitting on a desk!"

  6 grabs the mysterious book that she had left when she "died." SMG4 stares at the ominous book that had destroyed him mentally for the past week or so. The thought of actually reading it terrifies him. Not because he hates reading, but because learning one thing from a single page caused him to lash out against the only person that could actually help him.

SMG4: "So... that's the Oracle book?"

  SMG6 nods as she flips to Chapter 5. She begins to recite a part of the chapter.

SMG6: "Chapter 5: Second Life. What is Second Life? Well it's a nifty thing that from my visions is, to put it simply, another chance at life. When you're on Second Life you are a ghostly version of yourself with your skin glowing a light red and becoming wisp-like. I've found from my visions only that God Boxians can see those on Second Life. I may not have had many visions of Second Life, but I know one day I'll go through it. And then I'll get all the answers to my questions. One day."


SMG4: "Uhh... what does the author mean by visions?"

SMG6 side-eyes 4.

SMG6: "Oh. My. God Box..."

  She face palms.

SMG4: "NEVER!!!!"

  SMG4 sits on his bed and begins to glare at 6. He's genuinely afraid of reading a fucking book, but he won't ever admit it. SMG6 begins to laugh a bit.

SMG6: "Fine. Be knowledge-less then! I guess you'll never know about-"


  Mario cuts 6 off. He's yelling from the main room of the castle.

SMG4: "Shoot! I completely forgot about that!"

  SMG4 quickly gets up from his bed and runs to the door. He reaches for the door handle, but stops. He turns his head to look at 6.

SMG4: "I can trust you not to cause trouble here, right?"
SMG6: "Yeah... Don't worry. I'll make sure this place doesn't burn down or something."

  SMG4 gives 6 a weak smile before leaving. Somehow during that silly little play-shouting match all his worry seemed to wash away. It was fun to just be an idiot for a bit.

SMG6 smiles back as 4 leaves, but one thing is wrong to her. She never had the opportunity to properly apologize.

SMG4: The Vanidicus ArcDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora