The Quest For The Ruby

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~~The Next Morning~~

SMG4 approaches a tall mountain. He's carrying a book bag full of equipment.

SMG4: "This is the right place... Right?"
SMG6: "I think so..."

  SMG6 stands behind him, staring ominously into the cavern etched into the mountainside.

???: "Welcome sir! Welcome!"

  A man seemingly appears from the shadows of the cave and walks towards SMG4. He's tall and slender. His hair is short, neatly kept, and dark red with a few grey streaks. He wears glasses, a tan Indiana-Jones-like outfit, and steel toed boots.

???: "I'm glad you could join me today! Although it seems you're the only one that signed up..."

  SMG4 awkwardly glances at 6.

Soren: "Anyways the name's Soren: veteran, professor, and fan of all things God Boxian!"

  He puts his hand out to shake 4's.

SMG4: "Oh. So are you God Boxian by chance?"

  The two shake hands.

Soren: "Ohhhh no no no! I just enjoy studying their culture. You see way back years and years ago I fought in a war against them, and now I'm dedicating my life to learning about them in case they wage war once again! Ya know... use their own stuff against em!"

  SMG4 quickly pulls his hand away.

SMG4: "...Wonderful..."

  He smiles awkwardly.

SMG6: "Nope. Nope. Nope. WE ARE OUTTA HERE!"

  SMG6 tries to leave, but SMG4 won't budge. He's in too deep to give up now. After all he already paid for this last night. Soren begins to lead 4 into the cave. SMG6 sighs.

SMG6: "Fine, but if anything bad happens it's your fault!"

  SMG6 follows them in.

Soren: "Now according to my research the ruby should be at the end of this path."

  Soren points to a branching path on the right, and the group follows it. "Do you mind if I tell you a few facts about God Boxians?"

  Soren asks. SMG4 nods wordlessly.

Soren: "Did you know they're fire resistant? We learned that the hard way during the war."

  Soren chuckles, reminiscing on his military days.

SMG4: "No I did not..."

  SMG4 looks at 6 to confirm.

SMG6: "Yep... that's real,"

Soren takes out a flashlight and shines it towards one of the cave walls. On the wall is a small painting of red crystal. Soren gasps.

Soren: "We found a shrine!"

  He runs forward into a small room. Each of the room's walls have a painting like the crystal one. Except these paintings are of people. None of which SMG4 recognizes. 6 gasps.

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